Chapter 2

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A break was in order after about three hours of playing. Steve had taken his own break to stretch out every hour, and Robin kept herself either laying on the couch or sitting near Steve for the most part. Eddie didn't necessarily mind but he was beyond bothered when they would talk to eachother during his monologs. They were important to the story, he tries to explain but it falls on deaf ears. The break caused everyone to disperse a bit.

Lately, more of Dustin's friends had joined their campaigns. Dustin had begged them to join since..they had lost some members. It was only Mike, Dustin, and Eddie. That wouldn't work out very well. The other members, well- they left. Eddie had thought, wrongfully, that he could be himself around them. Now he was dealing with the consequences of his actions. Dustin had promised not to tell Mike, helped him develop some cover-up as to why he had a bruised cheek and a black eye. Eddie was just grateful that there was no need to explain the gashes across his stomach, deep and long, covered from view by his shirt. He relives it in his nightmares, hands holding him back by his arms as a cold blade cuts into him. He deserved it. That's what they told him. Gareth just watched, tears in his eyes yet not trying to stop it like Dustin had. It only stopped when Wayne had intervened, his Uncle thankfully being home earlier than usual. Eddie has never seen him so furious towards someone, and then so worried for him. He kicked them out the hard way, Gareth trailing along. He doesnt blame him. If they thought he was protecting some faggot, they'd cut into his stomach, too. The memory haunted him like the day it happened, finding comfort only in his fantasy world of campaigns. No wonder it was a completely developed campaign this time around. Eddie usually never completes it, struggles with the ending. But it's all he's been working on since the incident with the other members. A full stack of paper, held together with binder clips, sits on his right as they play.

So the whole group - El, Max, Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas - they all joined now. Max didn't like it but would stay because Lucas stayed after Dustin begged him. El was slowly getting the hang of it, actually rather enjoying the game. So now, they were all spread out enjoying their break. El, Max and Mike on the couch, Robin and Steve outside getting some fresh air, Lucas and Dustin laying on the floor, Will sitting next to them. All is well right now. Minus the way Eddie's blood is boiling from Steve and Robin being alone together.

In a quick turn of events, he's marching outside, shutting the door behind him and finding the two leaning up against the trailer. "Oh, hey Eds, we were just talking about you," Robin smiles to him, looking back at Steve for a second. He just nods a bit, standing upright from his leaning position, "Right, yeah. You seem a little off today, man. You good? Dustin kept mumbling something about how 'detail-oriented' you usually are and how its..lacking today. His words, not mine. Everything alright with you?" The concern was sweet but despite Eddie's smile, he wasn't having any of it. "I'm fine," A quick response. You'd think the words left before he even moved his lips, "Don't even worry about ol' Eddie. I'm just- cruisin'." He motions with his arms before dropping them. He notices Robin eyeing him up, "Hey. Steve. You might wanna go check on your goblins. No one is watching them right now." That sends him right into mom mode, going right back inside with nothing more than a 'shit' leaving his lips. And then there were two.

The tension is thick and weighted, something Eddie didn't have the balls to break himself. So Robin did it for him, taking a step forward and tilting her head, "What is your problem with me, Eddie? You've looked like a kicked bear the entire night. I swear, you'd think I had holes burning into my head by now." Her eyes soften, "What's up with you?" He doesn't reply, gaze intense and fluttering. He doesn't want to look at her, that much is obvious. She realizes she has to speak again, "Alright listen, whatever it is, you've gotta tell me or I can't help fix it. You won't hurt my feelings, pinky promise. But it's honestly annoying me that I've got you looking at me every other second like I've just killed your dog. So spill." They meet eyes again, Eddie knitting his brows together for a moment.

He feels like a deer in headlights now, caught in his little jealous act. It was ridiculous, really, and saying it out loud would be even more ridiculous. But he doesn't want her talking to Steve about it anymore than he's sure she already has. "Do you like Steve?" Now it really did sound stupid. Like a fourth grade girl staking claims on a boy who played jump rope with her once. Steve was nothing but a cute boy that Eddie wanted to himself. He felt pathetic. And even more when Robin started laughing. She's practically on the ground with how she's buckled over, bracing herself on her thighs. It's firing Eddie up again, "That is too fucking rich! Oh, wow- you really have no idea? I'm not so quiet about it. But I mean, I guess it is only Steve, El and Will who know." And now he's just really confused. She was laughing, and talking about people knowing things. He didn't understand. It made him feel stupid, like when his Uncle tries to help him with homework but he just can't understand it. He must be making a face because Robin calms her laughter into a smile and pats his shoulder, "Eddie, I don't like boys."

It hits him like a ton of bricks. He was so jealous, and for what? For the girl he thought was taking up Steve's attention to end up being a lesbian. He can feel his cheeks heating up, going red while his eyes widened a bit. Then he's covering his face, just sinking down onto the ground. He slides against the trailer as he does, eventually plopping into the dirt, "Oh my god.." He groans, "I feel like such a fucking idiot. You don't even like- Ugh!" He balls his fist up, hitting at the dirt as she sits down next to him. "Sorry to disappoint," Robin gives an awkward laugh, "Didn't think it was jealously plaguing you. But I should've known that feeling you were giving off.." Robin pauses for a moment, eyeing him. Then she leans against his shoulder, "Sounds like you've got boy problems." That earned a groan from Eddie, who turned to look at her, "You think?" He watches her move a hand to his thigh, resting it there while she speaks, "Well, I'm no expert but I can tell you, for a fact, there's no way Harrington is straight. He swoons over Billy Joel and Bruce Springstein way too much. The man listens to Madonna every day at work. You know who listens to Material Girl on repeat like that? Queer men." She pauses, realizing for a moment how much like Steve she sounds right now, with his 'boobies' talk, "Whatever it is, he likes dick in some way. But- he's definitely not out. Especially with himself. I wouldn't come on too strong. Maybe drop him your number, ask if he wants to hang alone. Hints are the best way in. Just don't sweat it, okay? I know we're not close but I'd like to help you with your big fat gay crush. We freaks gotta stick together, right?" She puts her hand out to grab, elbow bent and resting on her knee. Presenting it like a blood pact. It's all Eddie can do to stare, licking at his lips and nodding, "Right." He grabs her hand, smile fluttering onto his face, "Freaks gotta stick together."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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