"I don't want to leave," (y/n) sniffled as she held back her tears, wiping her eyes. Mystake pulled (y/n) into a hug. 

"My dear you are talented and strong it would be such a waste of potential; you should go and explore. Make friends, see the world and become stronger, you can't do that from inside my teashop," Mystake smiled as she wiped the tears from (y/n)'s eyes. 

"Can I come visit?" (y/n) asked.



With a jingle the door to the tea shop opened. Mystake greeted Wu as usual. Wu looked to the stairs as (y/n) cautiously stepped onto the floor of the tea shop. Mystake guided (y/n) to stand in front of Master Wu. The Spinjitzu Master stroked his chin as he surveyed the young girl. He could tell that she was sad to leave but her eyes held a mischief, and curiosity. "Hello young one, my name is Sensei Wu," he greeted.

(y/n) nodded shyly at him, "my name is (y/n) Windsor," she introduced herself shyly as she stepped behind Mystake. The elderly lady gently pushed (y/n) forward. Sensei Wu started out the door and waited for her as she gave Mystake one last hug.

"I'll always be proud of you," Mystake whispered into (y/n)'s ears as she let go, "it's time," she finalized as (y/n) walked to the door. The young Master of wind gave Mystake one last wave as she stepped outside and left her old life. 

Mystake sighed. As she returned to stacking tea, (y/n) hadn't even been gone for a minute and the tea shop felt emptier and quiet but she couldn't wait to see what destiny had in story for (y/n). She chuckled to herself. She couldn't believe that she had let herself get attached to a small child. 


It was late in the afternoon as Sensei Wu opened the door to the Dojo owned by Dareth. There was no one using the training space. "Place your bags down and remove your shoes (y/n) for me to begin training you I must know what level you start at," he said as he twirled his staff. (y/n) did as he asked and removed her shoes and left her bag of clothes at the door.

She got in a fighting stance. Her fists were opened as she circled the Spinjitzu teacher. He could tell that she was quick due to how lightly her feet touch the floor. He knew to react quickly and block because in a matter of seconds (y/n) had dashed behind him and aimed a blow at his back. He used the momentum to throw (y/n) off her feet, but she was able to cartwheel and regain her footing. Sensei Wu wanted to see what her defensive skills were like and began to attempt to strike her with his staff but (y/n) was too quick. With each attack she dodged, ducked and weaved just out of reach. He wasn't ready when he felt his feet sweep out from under him. He was quick to regain his footing as well and realized that he had greatly underestimated the girl. "Use your elemental power," he instructed. She nodded in reply and made a punching motion. Sensei Wu stepped out of the way from the invisible attack. He was impressed, she used the wind as if it were an extension on her body, he knew this was part of the ferocious teaching Mystake would have taught her. He had to admit he had trouble dodging her blows which she paired greatly with her element. He raised his hand and ended the exercise. "I have seen enough," he said. He laid a hand on her shoulder. "Tomorrow we will begin your training but now is the time for you to meet your teammates who will in time become your family," he smiled. (y/n) returned it with a nervous one.

Her hands had been shaking all day. Even through the short sparing match it felt like she couldn't control her hands. She was scared that Sensei Wu would refuse to train her, and she would let Mystake down. Her worries were eased a little after the match, but she was nervous about what her teammates would think. She didn't want to be a bother; she knew that her power would accidentally knock over vases and many other valuables... she just didn't want anyone to hate her. 


Sensei Wu stepped inside the dining room where the Ninja were eating dinner, "Sensei where have you been?" asked Kai as he finished a spoonful of food.

Sensei stepped to the side and gestured to (y/n) to step forward. She was frozen as the gaze of 6 people fell on her. She felt like hiding but instead she gave an awkward wave. "This is (y/n), she is my new student and will one day be your new teammate, treat her well," Wu introduced as he stepped aside as the team surrounded her. 

"Another kid?" Jay whined.

"Pay no attention to him, that's Jay, I'm Cole," the Master of Earth introduced.

Zane shook (y/n)'s hand, "I'm Zane."

"My name is Kai," he grinned pointing at himself.

"Give her some space," Nya scolded as she pushed past the and leaned down, so she was the same height as (y/n), "I'm Nya, it'll be good to have another girl in this boys club," she joked.

(y/n) peered past their shoulders and noticed a blonde hair boy staring at her. She didn't have many friends her age. She found comfort in the solace of the tea shop and training and never even thought of the concept. She tried peering past them to catch a better look at the blonde boy her age. "Lloyd, come say hi," Kai insisted as he stepped aside so that Lloyd could shyly meet her. 

The ninja looked at each other, they had never seen Lloyd act this way. They were well aware of how much Lloyd hated girls, but it seemed that (y/n) had stunned him into silence. "Hi, I'm (y/n)," she greeted quietly as she held out her hand, she gave Lloyd a soft smile.

"L-Lloyd," he stammered as he shook her hand. He didn't know why he was so nervous around (y/n); he would have usually been disgusted with shaking hands with a girl, but he could barely form the words to talk to her.

(y/n)'s attention went to Cole who moved another chair next to Lloyd's seat, "you arrived on a good day (y/n), today was Zane's turn to cook," he smiled as he gestured for her to take a seat. She gave him a thankful nod as she sat on the chair and Zane brought her a plate of food. 

"She's so adorable," Nya squealed as she noticed (y/n) smile at the nice smelling food. "aww," she added as she watched the smile spread on (y/n)'s face after the first bite. 

Jay got up from the table to return his plate and accidentally knocked over the glass. (y/n) was the first to react as she used her power to make sure the glass didn't shatter when it hit the ground, she then used the wind to push the cup towards her and she got up from her chair and handed it to Jay. "You're an elemental master?!" Jay gasped, (y/n) nodded, "that's so cool!"

"Yeah, I can use the wind," she said nervously as she tucked a strand of hair behind her nearby.

"I'm the green Ninja, I'm supposed to be able to control this pretty cool power!" Lloyd boasted, catching her attention. Cole got up and stood with Jay in the kitchen nudging him to look at the two children.

"Really like what?" (y/n) asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yep, legend has it that I can wield the golden power and defeat the darkness," he bragged.

"Spar with me tomorrow, I'd like to see what you can do?" (y/n) asked. Lloyd rubbed the back of his head.

"Uh- the thing is that I'm new to this green ninja stuff," he said nervously. His eyes met hers as she chuckled. 

"Don't worry I'm sure we both have a lot to improve on," she said.

"Have you ever read Starfarer?" he asked and (y/n) shook her head. "Have you been living under a rock?" he asked.

(y/n) shook her head, "I've been living in a tea shop," she replied as Lloyd grabbed her wrist. 

"We can't let this go unresolved, I have some comics you can borrow," he smiled as he led her to his room. 

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