"No I mean what I said, remember when I entered this room and said I had something urgent to say?." Belle said glaring both at her parents and their guests, "So urgent in fact that it pertains to our families legacy." She said in an ice cold tone. "A legacy that will be tarnished and dragged down the mud, if we associate ourselves with the likes of them!" She added. Pointing at the guest and his son.

"You dare-!" The man tried to say but Belle cut him off, "I dare!!!, If you think I'd let my sister, my own flesh and blood to be wed to that bastard son of yours!!!. I would rather kill her than see her in that altar with your son!, and you" she said coldly and spitefully. Now turning her glare to the son "I know who you are Benjamin Riley, a name infamous in the criminal underworld for their habits of drugging and raping women. A name despised even by the lowest level of criminal scum in that level of society." She finished. "Jeanne follow me, I have someone for you to meet. And no he is not someone you will be wed into, rather he is.... An old acquaintance of sorts." She said before leaving with Jeanne in tow.

As they walked in the hallway towards the room Belle sent Jaune to, Jeanne couldn't help but wonder about the person her elder sister wanted her to meet. But arriving near the end of the hallway entering the ballroom they heard shouting. Or rather cheering from the female guests, Jeanne looked at her sister who in turn looked confused as her.

As they continued to walk they heard the music change, from the traditional pop jazz genre of music to aggressive rock 'n roll. A genre that wasn't supposed to be popular with nobility, yet here Jeanne and Belle see a jarring scene where the young women of nobility cheer and crowd the stage, like moths to a flame. While the older ones chattered and whispered amongst themselves while giggling like children who's just been handed candy, while the young men of nobility were scandalized, and the older men were flat out amused laughing at each other and talking about their younger days.

"... I'm evil, evil, evil as can be I'm evil, evil, as can be!..."

The Arc sisters both heard from the stage, now tearing their attention from the crowd and on to the stage Jeanne blushed while Belle grumbled something before face palming. In the stage was Jaune singing and dancing shaking his pelvis.

"...So don't mess around, don't mess around with me!..." Jaune sang as he danced scandalously in stage, fueling the cheers of the female audience. "... I'm evil, I'm evil, I'm evil, so don't mess around with me!..." He sang as he roughly thrusted his pelvis in the air, making the young women cheer harder and some even whistle and cat call him , the older ones whisper faster, the young men scream and shout about his scandalous behavior, while the older men laughed harder or if not giggle like little children.

"... Don't mess around with me!." He sang the last part as he suddenly kneeled on the stage, and leaned on the female crowd cupping one of the girls cheeks, causing her to scream in delight and other girls jealous. Seeing the effect he had on the crowd Jaune stood up and waved the crowd goodbye and thank you, as the walked down from the stage leaving the cheering crowd of women and the angered shouts of young men. Possibly angry about the fact that he may have stolen their fiancé's and potential paramours.

Belle's mouth was wide agape her brain trying to reboot itself because of the scene in front of her, while Jeanne was blushing mad. A million thoughts ran through her head, 'Is this the man sister wants me to meet?!, A devious sex fiend!. Sister I thought you were on my side!." Jeanne thought, both not noticing Jaune  smiling in front of them. "Sooooo...... How's it going?" He casually greeted snapping them back to reality, Belle let go of Jeanne's hand and roughly planted both her hands on Jaune's shoulders and shook him aggressively.

"I thought I told you to wait in that room!,  What in those simple words can't you understand!?." She said shaking him, "Well I decided not to do what I was told, and besides the people seems to like me." Jaune said looks at the female crowd and giving them a wink and a smirk, making them swoon and more rowdy. Jeanne watched the interaction between her sister and her guest in front of her with intrigue, after all she's never seen her sister this active when in comes to strangers.

As Jeanne continued to watch them argue an angered voice stepped in, "You really don't know your place do you!"  All three looked at the owner of the Voice, Cardin Winchester, the heir of the noble house of Winchester. Jeanne recognized, "And you really thought that you could embarrass me did you?" Jaune snapped back. "Like seriously your mother is a military leader, she must have thought you to never mess with an unknown variable. In an unfamiliar location." Jaune added smiling at him

Which infuriates Cardin even more, "Listen here you little shit, that little act you did in that stage earlier ain't mean jack shit. I'm holding all the cards here you better watch your back." He told Jaune poking him with his finger. "Well I see someone is a tad bit of a sore loser, if it's any consolation your sister seemed to like my performance." Jaune said before nodding towards Cardin's older sister who's passed out on the floor with a red face with a smile on it. "Why you-?! That's it I challenge you to a duel!" Shouted Cardin taking if a glove and tossing it to Jaune's face, who grinned.

He tried to open his mouth to respond but Belle tightened her grip on him, looking towards her Jaune's grin dropped and he felt the color in his face drain as he saw her glaring at him. "Jaune this is why I told you to wait in a guest room," she told him before turning her gaze at Cardin. While ignoring Jeanne's look of surprise, "And yes Winchester he will accept your duel. Meet him at the manors training grounds 15 minutes from now," she told them as she dragged Jaune away while Jeanne meekly bowed at Cardin before hurriedly following Belle.


I just wanna say again I rewrote this because I simply didn't like the original version, and I hope you guys/gals? Like this better. See next time!!, Oh and uh updates aren't going to be as frequent as it was before. Because of school and shit.

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