Crimson Loki (Ideas not actual story yet)

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First off I had the idea to write this but wasn't sure about it. So tell me what you think. I'm still working on the actual idea for every detail but here is what I have so far. 

PLOT (MALE READER and modern day)

The story is based somewhat off Crimson Peak. You don't have to see the movie to understand the plot. There won't be any death either. Your parents are both alive they just had you erased from their memory. So you move to Canada with Loki and his, "friend" Agatha Lucille (I'll explain her in a bit). You and Loki fall in love but after a while of staying at the new house you are always exhausted, and Loki helps take care of you. You do feel better after Loki asked Agatha (I can't decide if I should use Agatha or Lucille so I will use both) to stop using her tea to turn you into a alien. I don't know how it ends and all of that stuff but no one dies. However as for Lucille there might still be a person grudge with you since you met before. (long story short you met her and Loki in a dream while in a coma). 

Agatha Lucille, 

First off NO SHE IS NOT DATING LOKI. They are not together. They don't like each other that way. Either Loki or Agatha is the assistant and the other the boss. I haven't decided yet which one is which. I'm leaning more towards Loki being the assistant but as for what the job actually is I haven't decided BUT it's not clay or any kind of mining. I'm not even sure what you can mind for in Canada. Lucille however does turn people into aliens. You are not the first person she has done it to however the other people gave full consent to it and the reader isn't even aware of what lies in the tea. Which is why so did stop drugging you when Loki asked. She is also not Loki's sister or even related to him at all. Loki's sister is Hela who isn't even in this story. 

The Over All Story 

So there is more to the story this is just one part. The over all story is based on different movies and shows. I only have a thought of writing a few but I did other ships. I'll mention which. But here is the list of stuff in order. And it is not important for this part. It is just to show everything but first I have to edit some books and stuff. 

LIST (in order of fanfiction not the actual series) 

Cinderella (2021, not written, and Amazon Prime): Not written 

(Wanda vision)

Crimson Peak (The one I'll write for this plot) 

(the royal treatment)

Oceans 8 (Not written) 


Thor Ragnorak (a few chapters here and other book written) 

Captain AMerica Winter Solider (Spelled wrong I know, not written) 

Starstruck (not written) 

The First Time (few chapters written in With Newtmas) 

Thor (barely a chapter written here) 

Iron Man (chapters written Marvel and DC ships) 

Iron Man 2 (also Marvel and DC ships) 

The Avengers (again Marvel and DC ships) 

Loki Season 1 only (Loki x Mobius) 

Age of Ultron (not written) 

Iron Man 3 (Marvel and DC ships) 

Thor the dark world (Marvel and DC Ships) 

Warm Bodies (The flight begins Newtmas, unsure if removed or not) 

After (To become a citizen Newtmas, again unsure if still up) 

Hunger Games and Catching fire (same pot in time hunger games is part 1 and catching fire is part 2 but same game and written in Zombie Games Newtmas) 

Love and Monsters (probably wrote in with Newtmas somewhere) 

Sleep Over (not written) 

Maze Runner (Capital of Amnesia Newtmas) 

Scorch Trials (Florida Bunker Newtmas and finished) 

The Death Cure (I'll Rescue you Newtmas) 

Antman (not written) 

Twilight (took down to rewrite) 

Spiderman Homecoming (if written probably in Marvel and DC ships) 

Spiderman Far from home (Illusions Peter x Tony) 

Big Time Movie (Not Written)

Might Add To List 

The Royal Treatment 

Wanda Vision 


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