Do It

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Leon POV
One Week Earlier

"You do realize that if his followers catch wind of this, his career will be over," Ethan said anxiously.

"That's why we need to make it believable enough for people who don't know him, but complete nonsense to people who watch his content," Leon responded, as he typed away at his laptop.

They were both at Leon's place in Carlsbad, writing out the formal report that would go with the fabricated video that they'd show to a judge to get a warrant to arrest Ranboo.

"That's why it has to be a girl. Anyone who knows who Ranboo is knows that he's into men and wouldn't want to have sex with a woman, even if it was consensual," Leon continued.

"Ahhh but people on Twitter are crazy man! They'll believe anything!" Ethan tugged at his hair.

"So let's keep this one quiet. Grab him and go. No witnesses," Leon said.

"Ugh that would work if Tubbo wasn't coming with him," Ethan facepalmed.

"Uhhhh Tubbo is the one that likes bees, right?" Leon scratched his head. He'd only been watching Ranboo's streams for two months and he still had a hard time remembering what the names of all of Ranboo's friends are.

"Interesting way of remembering him, but okay," Ethan responded.

"So we just need to find a time when Ranboo is alone," Leon reasoned.

"That's not going to happen. They won't leave each other's sides," Ethan said.


"Yeah, it's pretty hard to find one without the other," Ethan laughed.

Leon scratched his head, "They're not... They're not, like together, right?"

Ethan gave Leon a confused look.

"Why does that matter?"

"No reason, it's just something I've been wondering..." Leon looked away, scratching the back of his head.

"Well no, they're not together. Tubbo actually has a boyfriend, Ash," Ethan said, watching as Leon's eyes lit up.

"And Ranboo? Does he have a significant other?"

"No, he's still single, but why do you care? What does this have to do with the mission?" Ethan gave Leon an accusatory look.

"I uh... I just wanted to make sure that Tubbo is the only one that's gonna be around him. I don't want any collateral damage," Leon responded quickly.

"Hm," Ethan still looked confused, but he continued.

"So the only way we can get to him without having people ask too many questions is the warrant that this evidence will allow us to get," Leon said.

"Yeah. I don't think that either of them will be posting that Ranboo got arrested. That's not really something one should share."

"Great, so this is the only way. We have to run the risk of people finding out about these, but if we don't fabricate this evidence, then the mission is gonna be a lot harder," Leon explained.

"Fine," Ethan crossed his arms, "do it."

A/N: Not everything is as it seems

Not Guilty (Ranboo x Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now