Hand Him Over

369 20 26

Leon POV

Leon watched as Ranboo turned around to face him. His tear-streaked face caused the feeling of guilt to swell inside of the officer.

Shit! I shouldn't have followed...

Goddammnit Leon, you're always fucking it up with people you're interested in.

First Ada and now Ranboo!  When it comes to romance, you're a mess.

Leon looked away as he mentally beat himself up.

"Yeah... yeah sure. W- We can talk," Ranboo said shakily.

Leon turned to face Ranboo who had sat up on the bed and was hugging a pillow, concealing the lower half of his face.

As much as Leon wanted Ranboo to be his, he could tell that the streamer did not want to tell him what was bothering him.

Leon reached out and caressed Ranboo's cheek.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me. I shouldn't have followed..."

"No, listen," Ranboo interrupted, "I guess I shouldn't put off telling you."

"Telling me what?" Leon leaned in, interested.

"Telling you that...

that I think I li-..."

Ranboo was cut off mid-sentence by Leon's phone ringing.

The sound of the phone startled Ranboo and made him shut down into the pillow again.

Great now he's never gonna tell me

"Gimme a sec," Leon mumbled as he reached for his phone.

Leon's brows furrowed as he noticed that the caller ID was Chris Redfield.

What the-...

Leon answered the phone and put it to his ear.

"Hey Chris, what's up?" Leon said cautiously, watching Ranboo as he buried his face into the pillows again.

"Soooo I just got the weirdest order from Chief Irons," Chris's voice crackled out of the phone.

"What do you mean?" Leon asked, "Chief Irons is the chief of police up in LA, right?"

"Yeah..." Chris replied,

"So why are you telling me what he ordered you to do?!" Leon asked, now more confused than ever.

"Leon, I'm telling you because I just got the order to release Mark Winters from our custody, destroy his entire file, and hand him over to the Umbrella Corporation when they arrive in an hour," Chis said grimly.

Leon's demeanor immediately changed. His confused expression shifted into a mix of anger and fear.

"Chris. Did you say Umbrella? Like the same Umbrella that's responsible for-..."

"Raccoon City, yeah." Chris cut him off.



"You're telling me that  the government knows what happened and they didn't shut the company down?!" Leon shouted, standing up and walking over to the window with his phone to his ear.

"Umbrella has the government paid off, Leon. They're above the law. You know what happens when you go against them!" Chris shouted.

Leon paced back and forth, which caught Ranboo's attention. The cute streamer gave Leon a confused look but Leon put a finger up telling Ranboo to wait.

Not Guilty (Ranboo x Leon S. Kennedy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя