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Ranboo POV

"Go on, spit it out," Leon said.

What if he gets mad at me? I-... I like him but I feel-... Goddamnit Ranboo get-... pull yourself together.

Ranboo did not pull himself together and Leon noticed. He walked forward and put his hand on Ranboo's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Unfortunately, Ranboo started to look like he was going to cry.

"What's wrong?" Leon asked softly, putting his beer down and giving Ranboo his full attention.

Ranboo's head spun and he started sweating. His eyes darted around the room, looking at everything except for the hot police officer who he was developing a crush on.


Ranboo's anxiety got the better of him and he turned around and ran back into the bedroom, away from Leon.

He slammed the door shut and buried his face in the pillow.


Why why why why why why!? WHY DO I HAVE TO DEVELOP FEELINGS ON A COP?!

I-... I can't date him. He's probably straight and even if he isn't he wouldn't be interested in me.

Ranboo stood up and walked to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.

God he's so hot. Why would someone like that date someone who looks like me?!

Ranboo was actually pretty good-looking, but he could never see himself in that light. He had always had a negative perception on his appearance.

Ranboo shook the thoughts off and walked back into the bedroom.

He plopped back down on the bed and sighed.

Besides, if I did date him, Twitter would fucking kill me. He's a fucking cop!  I'd lose my career.

Someone knocked on the door causing Ranboo to lose his miserable train of thought.

It's him. If I say nothing, maybe he'll go away.

The knocking came again, this time, louder.

"Hey, I just wanna talk," the door muffled Leon's smooth voice.

Ranboo stayed silent.

"Mark, come on!" Leon complained, his voice turning into a slight whine which slightly aroused Ranboo.

Ranboo again stayed silent, this time turning on his stomach and burying his face in the pillow.

"I'm coming in, okay," Leon said tentatively as he opened the door slowly.

Ranboo froze as he heard Leon walk into the room.

He felt the officer lay down on the bed next to Ranboo.

Ranboo's head was spinning and he couldn't think.

"Hey," Leon said softly, placing a hand on Ranboo's lower back, "Can we talk?"

Not Guilty (Ranboo x Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now