Chapter Nineteen: Let Me Protect You

Start from the beginning

"You think they love you? You think they care about you? You're a job. A job none of them wanted. As I said before. You're nothing to them." Michael said to Jack as I walked past the room, setting the weapons on the table.

"Jack, why don't you go check on Sam. See if he needs help." I suggested, desperate to keep him from Michael.

Jack walked away from Michael wordlessly and I caught his arm, making him look at me.

"Don't listen to a thing Michael says. He's a liar." I said.

"I can still hear you." Michael said.

"And we still don't care, jerkwad." I snapped back, watching as Jack walked out of view.

I walked into the room and sat in a chair, facing Michael. "Tell me something. What happened to you that made you such a bitch?"

"You have some nerve. Talking to me like that. I'm an angel of the Lord." he said.

"Oh, I know. But, thing is, angel or not, I don't give a shit what happens to me when you hurt Jack. And from where I'm standing, you don't seem all that terrifying."

Michael frowned. "Listen here, little girl—"

"No, you listen. I've dealt with your kind before. I've killed your kind before. I punch a god in the face. So call me 'little' all you want, but in the end, I'll smoke your ass."

"Anna. It's time." Cass walked into the room.

I got up and the two of us walked I to a different room, seeing Sam hot-wiring the British Men of Letters device for mind-melds.

"What've you been up to?" Jack asked once he spotted me.

"Called Michael a bitch, so, there's that." I answered.

"Wow. Good job, kid." Sam smiled.

"Is this gonna work?" I asked.

"I don't know." Sam answered.

"If it doesn't, maybe there's something I can do. The magic that keeps me alive. What if I can do more?" Jack asked.

"And burn off your soul?" Sam asked.

"Not all of it."

"Jack. Dean wouldn't want to be saved. Not that way." Sam said.

"You don't know what you're walking into." Jack said.

"Last time Dean was possessed, it felt like he was drowning. This'll probably be worse." Sam told him, picking up the device and the three of us walked over to where Cass had finished connecting wires to Michael's head.

"Ooo. Cool science project. I give it a solid B minus." Michael said.

"Okay, in theory, I should be connected to Dean's mind. Cass, you should be able to ride with me." Sam said as I finished attaching wires to his head as well.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Pray." Cass answered.

"And make sure nobody kills us." Sam added.

"Well, I like this plan. See, out here, I'm all chained up. But in there, you're all mine." Michael said. "So...what're we waiting for?"

Cass put his hand on Sam's arm and flipped the switch on.

    I took a seat in a chair and took Jack's hand, looking up at him and smiling slightly. "We're gonna be okay."


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