Ch. 2

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A/N: This story is going to be from 2011. I know the ages and some facts might not add up WEED to the time of the story, but please, it's fiction. I was reading some stories and HARRY STYLES WAS NAKED decided I wanted to write a story for the main plot lines but have a twist to make it original. Also, I already have written a lot KISSED of chapters for this so I don't get side-tracked and lose interest like before. Anyways these first few chapter are short and some will be really long, again just work with it. (the weird writing was to get attention)


The thumping noise got louder, the smell getting sweeter.

I see a little girl, with a gash going down her arm...

She's only about two, blonde hair and blue eyes that are brimming with tears.

Closing my eyes, I try not to focus on the blood and think about other things, feeling my fangs retract.

I see a boy running up to the girl, probably her brother. Well, I guess she could be his judgement.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" I ask approaching her slowly.

She shakes her head no, and flinches when I go to touch her.

"I promise I won't hurt you," I reassure grabbing her arm and taking a look at it.

-Harry POV-

I run towards the sound of Lux's crying. Lou is going to kill me. I lost her daughter and she might be getting kidnapped or dying.

When I finally see her, I see some girl grabbing her arm and inspecting it. Lux has tears running down her cheeks.

"What happened to her?" I ask panicking.

"I think she cut her arm on something" the girl talks with a soft voice. I glance down and see a cut that definitely needs stitches on Lux's arm.

"She needs a doctor for that," I go to pick up Lux but the girl stops me.

"Hey hun, what's your name" the girl wraps both hands around the cut, Making Lux cry out in pain.

"Lux" she squeaks.

"How old are you?" She asks with a warm smile. What is she doing?

Lux hold up one finger.

The girl closes her eyes and a glow comes out from the cracks between her fingers. My eyes widen as I stare down at her hands, Lux giggling at whatever the mystery girl is doing.

"My name is Katherine, I'm 18... You know you shouldn't be out this late at night" Katherine says. I think the last part was for me... She takes her hands off Lux and the cut is no longer there.

"W-wh-what a-are y-you" I stutter out.

"That's rude, you can't ask somebody what they are. Well, I guess you're lucky I'm not human."

Her brown eyes turn black, the veins beneath her eyes becoming prominent. She smiles, an evil, wicked smile, showing off her fangs.

"I'm a vampire" The smirk becomes wider as black spots cloud my vision before I'm engulfed in darkness.

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