-1- Open your eyes -1-

Start from the beginning





Give it back, please.


































Who would have thought? 
This casual day, similar to any other, though this day was more special than we all knew.


That's what we knew it as for us. 
It was the last day of school before our study break began, readying us for our end-of-year exams that were coming that would give us the last few pass rates we needed for the year.
We were excited, happy even.
Must sound weird right? That we are excited to leave school for only 2 weeks to study just to come back to the stress-filled weeks of exams that have no end, as they start in the early mornings catching us off guard in our still slumbers we hoped we could continue.
That may be the case for some, but for us, it was a blessing. Studying, yes we needed it, sure we did it, but this time we had something else much more enjoyable planned for the next couple of days that came of essential free time and fun.

A place away from home. No parents. No rules. Just us with the ocean we hoped to stand in and enjoy.

We had spent weeks preparing for this. Many after-school hours of chores and actual part-time jobs to save money just for this to happen. We all worked so hard to get this far and have enough for it all. We so looked forward to this long-awaited trip altogether. Basking in the sun of the newly come summer. The soft sand beneath our feet. The cooling water some avoided, but some enjoyed it a little too much. And the amazing venue we booked for us all to reside in on our time there. 

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