Part Five

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As soon as class finished I packed up my bag and tried to rush out of the room, but Professor McGonagall stopped me.

"y/n, how has the first day been so far?" She asked me as I was passing her desk.

I wanted to tell her, it was honestly going pretty well until I got in your class and had to sit next to the one person I really didn't want to, but I figured that might be a little harsh. I finally decided to say, "Oh it was great, classes are good so far."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to care who I sit next to or whatever, and I never have been, but for some reason I really didn't want to sit next to Mattheo. He threw my whole vibe (is that the right word?) for a loop. I couldn't focus on work, I couldn't sit still, I couldn't pay any attention to what the teacher was saying, and all I could think about was our first interaction.

I honestly didn't even know why I hated him so much. After all, it's not like he's the only one who's been rude to me, but he just threw everything about me.

"Oh I'm so glad to hear that." She smiled at me, "And I hope that Mattheo boy does good for you. I know it's kinda hard to make friends when you're a few years younger than everybody else, but I figured you two might get along well."

I internally screamed.

'get along well'?! 'get along well'. She HAS to be kidding me.

I can make friends when I want to, I just don't want to! And now I'm stuck sitting next to this stupid guy for the rest of the year?! Ugh, I almost wanted to drop transfiguration right then and there.

But I didn't.

I had never dropped out of a class, and I didn't want to. I felt like that wasn't a thing a "good student" did. So I just decided I would suck it up and hope something good came out of this.

Plus, I thought, Maybe I can bribe somebody to switch with me.

I'd figure it out later, so I ended the conversation with, "Oh, yeah. uh... thanks." and I walked out.

✎ ✎ ✎

After transfiguration I had a free period, which was weird because sometimes I had two classes in place of one, but then I also had some periods when I didn't have anything. I guess it was just how the class's timing worked out.

After finishing my homework I walked around a little, eventually finding George.

"Hey!" I said, running up to him.

"Oh hey y/n! How was transfiguration with the Slytherins?" He slightly turned his body towards me as he talked, but still kept focus on where he was waking.

"It was pretty awful honestly."

"Oh darn, what happened?"

"You know Mattheo? When we were talking about him being in the class beforehand?" He nodded, "Yeah, he's there."

He laughed a little, running his hands through his hair, "Sorry y/n, we totally jinxed it."

I raised my eyebrows, "no no no, that's not it. He's also sitting right next to me. Like directly next to me on those two person desks."

George scrunched his eyebrows, "Mcgonagle doesn't have those desks though."

I shrugged, "Well apparently she does now, and we can't switch for the rest of the year."

"Dang y/n. And I thought I had bad luck."

I tilted my head, "Why would you have bad luck?"

George shrugged, "Fred and I have almost the exact same classes this year. And it's great and all, but now, yet again, we're just 'Fred and George'."

I feel kinda bad, George and Fred have both (separately) talked to me about each other. Obviously they love each other, and they love doing things with each other, but everyone sees them as one person. They always say "Fred and George". That one bothers George more than Fred, since he feels like he's always in the shadow of Fred.

I mean, their own mother can't really tell them apart. I can't even imagine. But they try to stay happy about it.

"Please tell me they didn't put you two next or each other again."

"You know it. Last names, Alphabetical order." He tipped his head from side to side as he's saying the last two words.

I give him a side hug type thing and lean my head on his arm, "You can't transfer?"

"Nope," he says, "They are the only times that those classes are available. The only class he has that I don't is study hall. Which is right now. So I guess I have a free period and he doesn't, but that's not much."

We spent the rest of the period walking around in almost complete silence (I like doing that with George, it almost says more than a conversation between us could) and then he walked me to my next class. This was another period that I had two classes, so I just led him to the one closest to us so he could get to his.

Once we got to my next class he turned to me.

"y/n?" he said in a soft voice.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to face him.

"How do you tell me and Fred apart?" He looked straight into my eyes when he asked this, and I could tell he had been tearing up while we were walking.

"What?" I hadn't been expecting that, but I guess I never thought about it before.

"You're the only one who's never mixed me and Fred up. Even when we first met, you never mixed us up. How do you do that?"

I took a breath, trying to find an answer for him, "I don't know... I guess I never really had to think about it. It just always came naturally. But as I've gotten to know you two I can see slightly different things about you."

I looked at his face for a second, trying to pinpoint an exact thing, "For example. When Fred starts crying, his eyes puff up a lot, but yours don't. They turn more red though. Or the fact that you have two little freckles under your left eye that make it look like a little face. And even though you both have freckles, they're different."

He smiled a little as I said each thing, "Thanks for talking with me y/n, I really needed that."

I smiled back, "Hey, no problem! I'll be here anytime—except no time before 8 o' clock in the morning... I need my beauty rest."

He started turning away, "I guess having a ravenclaw that's two years younger than you isn't always a bad thing."

I playfully punched his arm and he shakes his head as he walked out, looking back at me a few times with a grin on his face.

Word Count: 1163

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