Part Two

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The sorting that took place that night was fairly uneventful, until Mattheo was called up that is. I was sitting next to one of my friends, Megan, at the Ravenclaw table.

Megan was the typical shy ravenclaw. She was almost sorted into hufflepuff, but the sorting hat changed its mind at the last second. She never spoke her opinion much, but whenever anyone would ask her about anything she liked she could go on for hours. She was also boy-crazy, but only people who knew her well would know that.

Gryffindor's, Hufflepuff's, Slytherin's and Ravenclaw's were all called and everyone clapped each time.

Megan's little sister, Emily, was sorted into Slytherin, but nobody was really surprised. She really wanted Slytherin too, but all she knew was that it had green as the main color.

Megan and I talked while most of the kids were being sorted, catching up on everything we missed over the summer.

Right when we were finishing up our conversation dumbledore called out for Mattheo Riddle.

The whole room went silent.

Mattheo Riddle stood up from the opposite side of the room, and with everybody's eyes following him, he walked up to the sorting hat and sat down.

He was much taller than everyone else who had gone, which is to be expected since they were all 11 and he was 17. It just felt weird seeing somebody older sitting on that stool, but I waved off the feeling.

I assumed he would be in Slytherin, but there was a small part of me that wondered if he would be sorted differently.

The sorting hat seemed to say something to him, followed by some muttering from Mattheo, but nobody could hear what they actually said.

Soon, the sorting hat looked back towards everybody and shouted, "SLYTHERIN"

Nobody clapped.

There was nothing.

That had never happened before. I swear I couldn't even hear any breathing in the room.

Mattheo stood up slowly and placed the sorting hat back on the stool before stepping closer to the table. Everyone just seemed lost, even Him.

I looked around at everyone. Some people were looking at friends, some at the floor—lost in thought, and some were just staring right at him.

Before I could really think what I was doing I stood up and started clapping. I felt bad, even if he had been a real pain earlier he still shouldn't have to be treated like this just because of his dad.

Mattheo looked up from the floor and looked at me, his eyes softening a little when they did. My clap was quickly followed by Megan's, followed by the Weasley's at the Gryffindor table and a few other Ravenclaws. Soon, the whole hall filled with applause like it usually did.

I was still out of my mind mad at him, and from what I knew he still wasn't a good person, but I wasn't going to let everyone treat him like an outcast just because his last name was Riddle.

Once the clapping stopped, Dumbledore raised his wand and shouted, "Let the feast begin!"

Word Count: 519

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