The Shadow Member

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"— re you sure he's actually gonna wake up?" A murky voice spoke

As I opened my eyes, dark spots clouded my vision. My mouth was dry, and my throat felt raspy

A sign that I had been out for quite awhile

"Of course he's gonna wake up, I have a 100% success rate you know" a voice I now recognized as Yamauchi said

"It's unfortunate I have to trust you with this" The earlier voice muttered

That was Horikita-senpai

It was an awkward situation, and I didn't exactly know what to do

Should I pretend to be asleep? Or do I say something to break the atmosphere?

I think I'm just gonna pretend-

"Wake up you fucking liar" Yamauchi shouted as he hit my stomach

It didn't really hurt, but it was surprising

"You can't hit a patient" Horikita stated, though his eyes stared directly at me in a blaming manner

"Sorry, It was just awkward" I cautiously spoke, my voice raspy

"You sound like your old man" Horikita grimaced

"Please don't compare us" I sat up

"You've been out for 4 days, you might want to take things slow"

4 days huh

Wait, then that means...

"You're fine, I asked your teacher to give you an extension for the exam. You were out cold after all" Horikita seemed to have seen the thoughts behind my eyes

"Well, he didn't really ask, more like forced his hand" Yamauchi shrugged

"In any case-" Horikita glared at him

"Do you feel any different?" He asked me

I tried to sense my body for any abnormalities, but I felt none

"I feel about the same" albeit weak from being bed-ridden for so long

"Hmm, so no changes to your physical state, what about your breathing technique?" He asked

This was, after all, the reason for everything that happened

I slowly started to concentrate on my breathing form, attempting to absorb as much as possible

As I did so, my chest began to burn up, and my lungs felt like they would explode. Yet, my breathing was stable, and uniform.

I gripped the metal side rail of the bed I was in, trying to withstand the pain

"Stop!" I heard Yamauchi scream through the palpitations in my head

Judging by the fact that only I was doing something, I stopped the technique and allowed for the pain to subside

"Fucking hell, you looked like you were gonna implode" Yamauchi looked shocked

Horikita didn't say a word, but seemed to be focused on me

Or rather, something I was doing

"Check your hand" he pointed at it

The pain was still there, but it was low enough for me to move physically now.

I slowly removed my hand from the railing, squinting at the throbbing muscle pain

I looked at my palm, it was reddened to the point that it appeared I had dumped it in boiling water

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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