Cleansing the Body

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It had been a few days since I had accepted the position as Vice President, and the other members began to be recalled in order for me to be formally introduced. I had already looked up information on them, but only had surface knowledge

I had told Horikita that the introduction event wasn't necessary but he argued the importance of tradition, and in the end he had to order me to participate

So far I had spent my time like I normally did in class, with the exception of training afterwards with the President

At first I felt a little guilty that I was digging into his personal time, but considering his attitude during training....

I actually began to feel glad that I forced him to lose out on his time of enjoyment

Horikita was amazed at my training.... Every time I tried to use TCB he remarked at how terrible I was at it

"I'm starting to lose hope in you" Horikita brutally told me after another training session

"Thanks, that's the encouragement I need from you" I blankly stared at him

"I called over a member of the council to check you out, but honestly, I wouldn't get my hopes up" he told me

On cue, an old shabby looking man waddled over to where we were situated, his long bear dragging along the floor.

His hat and gown both wrinkled up fiercely

".....that's a member of the student council?" I asked

Looking at Horikita for an answer, he simply frowned and fixated his glasses

"Take of that ridiculous outfit" he ordered

"Outfit! This is vital to my ability to treat this young man" a rather young voice can out from the man

"Take it off before I get mad" Horikita kept his voice stern

"Fine, fine, but if I can't fix him because of you, it's your fault!" The man took off the outfit, in a rather easy way

Almost like he was prepared for it...

The man was revealed to be a normal looking student of the school with short, brown hair and amber eyes

With his face revealed I was able to put a name to him

"Haruki Yamauchi"

He was a first year like me, but resided in a separate class. From what I recall there wasn't anything special about him other than his-

"He's not much to look at, but his knowledge in ancient Chinese Medicine is unmatched here" Horikita finally reverted back to normal

So that's what it was....

"By the way, Why'd you call me up for this guy?" Yamauchi asked

"I would watch my words, Ayanokouji will likely become the Student Council president during your final year" he explained

"So what you're saying is I've still got this year and next to mess with him" Yamauchi rubbed his now bare chin

"You can try if you have the ability" Horikita said

"I guess you're right, though at the minimum he'll owe me a favor for helping him out"

"That wasn't what we agreed upon, I've already let you get your reward" Horikita put his foot down

"Aye aye" Yamauchi muttered

"Alright lie down" Yamauchi ordered


"Well, do it" the SCP beckoned me

I didn't fully trust either of them, but if it helped me get stronger so be it

After lying down, back to the floor and palms facing up, Yamauchi began his examination

It felt..... like a violation of my privacy, though for some reason it felt like I'd been probed before

Even if I had no recollection of it

"Hey President, you mind handing me my tools" Yamauchi scrunched up his face

"Tools?" He asked

"Yes, tools, they should be under my 'disguise' you made me remove" Yamauchi frowned at him

The President made no further remarks and just got him the tools

Yamauchi picked at his bag for a moment before showing off about five needles

"This uh, I don't think this is gonna work" I started to wriggle around

"Stay still or it'll hurt more" Yamauchi stated

So it's gonna hurt regardless

I decided that if I had to suffer to learn this breathing technique, I might as well get it over with

Yamauchi lifted the needle and punctured into chest....

The pain I felt.... Was immense to say the least

There was no way to truly explain what I was going through in the moment.

It felt like I had to scream and yet it felt like I had no mouth. The constant burning sensation in my chest was that of fire, and there was no numbing of the pain. And my movement felt constricted, despite the feeling of having to shake off the pain.

My consciousness began to shake, I drifted in and out of the conscious plane

I could hear tidbits of their conversation

"What the hell is going! What are you doing to him" Horikita demanded

"Nothing he hasn't already had done.... I had thought te issue was his Meridians but to think they would be so filthiest clogged up is something even I couldn't have imagined" Yamauchi hurriedly pulled out more needles

"I need to open up his meridians, and I'll need your help. We have to move him somewhere else, I can't do all of it here" Yamauchi began to sweat

"Can you help him?" Horikita asked as he lifted my limp body

The pain only intensified with this motion

"Uhhh, maybe?"

And the I drifted off


Authors Note: Might update again today or tomorrow since the motivation is still relatively fresh

Been a fat minute since I last updated, so if you see any discrepancies in this chapter with previous ones, let me know.

"Hate it or love it, the underdogs on top
And I'm gon shine, homie, until my hear stop"


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