Part 2 Richie

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The whole losers gang each departed to their own homes still in their soggy wet underwear. Richie and Eddie split up on their own and headed to Richies house. Eddie kept taking deep breaths in and out, very visibly stressed about the fact all of his medications were gone. All Richie wanted to do was make him feel better. He hated seeing his best friend worried and after last summer Richie wanted to make sure Eddie never had to be scared of anything ever again.

But Richie had failed. Just like he failed at everything.

"Richie... Everyone is staring at us," Eddie whispered.

Richie looked around and saw what Eddie was talking about. Parents were covering their children's eyes, teens were laughing and pointing, random adults were crossing to the other side of the road whenever they saw the boys coming. 

"I'm sorry Eds. Just try to ignore them," Richie told him but then saw another little girl  laughing at them, "Fuck off kid!" He screamed, causing the girl to run away in tears.

"Jeez don't yell Rich, also don't call me Eds," Eddie muttered as they at last reached Richie's house.

Richie rolled his eyes while opening up the door. He prayed his mom would be out drunk somewhere so she wouldn't take notice to the boys. Also so Eddie wouldn't have to see how messed up his mom was. They slowly came inside and Richie whispered to Eddie to be silent.

"Richie... Is that you?" Maggie mumbled from her spot on the couch.

His mom was sprawled out with a bottle of liquor in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The floor around her was littered with empty beer and wine bottles while the tv was left playing some random news channel. Eddie looked absolutely shocked at the mess and and he turned to stare at Richie with pity in his eyes. Richie wanted no pity from his friend. Sure his mom was a drunk and his dad was rarely home but it was fine. He had all the space he needed.

"Yup it's me, Mom. I'm just going upstairs," Richie answered.

Maggie mumbled something else that Richie couldn't understand before she passed out cold.

"Rich, I-I didn't know..." Eddie started, once the door to Richie's room shut.

"Hey, I thought I told you not to be Bill," He said, desperately not wanting to talk about his sucky family life.

"Richie, I'm serious. Are you okay?" Eddie worriedly asked.

Richie nodded, "Dude, I'm just great! Me and your mom had the BEST time last night!" 

"Stop joking around!" Eddie shouted

Richie went silent before finally saying, "I'm fine Eds, but I really don't want you worrying about me." 

Eddie agreed to stop talking about it but Richie could still tell he was worried. Richie went into his closet and grabbed out a pair of grey sweatpants an a t-shirt with the band "Metallica" on it, that he had grown out of. He threw the clothes over to Eddie before getting himself some clothes. He turned around to see Eddie's small self almost swallowed in Richie's clothing. They both laughed at how silly Eddie looked and then Richie turned on his speakers and put a cd into the player. Eddie smiled and the two of them laughed and danced to the loud music. 

Richie stared at Eddie, whose bright eyes were filled with joy for the first time since his stuff was stolen. God he's so beautiful when he happy. Richie stood still. He did not just think that. Eddie stopped too, confused.

"Uh Rich, what's up?" Eddie asked, shouting over the music.

Richie shook his head, "Nothing, I just remembered we haven't eaten in a while. Do you want something to eat?"

Eddie smiled and nodded.

"Ok, I'll make a freezer pizza. Stay here." 

Richie ran down the stairs and into the kitchen still thinking about how perfect Eddie was when he was dancing like that. The way his curly black hair was flopping all over the place. The way his little body twisted and turned. The way his eyes glistened in sun light that shined through Richies bedroom window. Everything about that boy was perfect, yet Richie hated he fact he felt this way about him. Especially because it was obvious Eddie would never feel the same way back.

Ten slow minutes  went by and finally the pepperoni pizza was ready. Richie brought the steaming pizza back to his room where Eddie was waiting. He was laying on Richie's bed reading from a girls underwear magazine but he put it down quickly as he saw Richie.

"What the fuck are doing with that!" Richie yelled, grabbing the magazine from the bed.

"It was behind your pillow!" Eddie defended himself, a blush sprouted on his face from being caught.

"And why were you digging behind my fucking pillows!" 

Richie was so angry that Eddie was looking at that but he didn't even know why. Wasn't that something normal teen guys did together? Some part of him deep down sort of hoping that maybe, just maybe, Eddie didn't like girls at all. But that was stupid because of course he liked chicks. Why wouldn't he?

"I'm sorry Rich, I was just moving a pillow and I saw it and took a look okay?" Eddie explained, grabbing a slice of the pizza.

"Ya it's fine Eds, I really don't why I freaked out about it so much." Richie sighed.

Eddie relaxed himself, glad Richie was no longer angry. They sat talking to each other like normal while they ate their dinner. Afterwards they played games and hung out like normal but really inside Richie was feeling anything but normal. He had never felt this way about anyone before. He had flirted with girls and had meaningless kisses but nothing had ever felt this crazy. Not a bad crazy but an amazing crazy. Every time he looked up at Eddie his stomach filled with butterflies. Every time the little boy spoke his heart beat faster. After some time a little while Richie couldn't take it any longer. 

He excused himself to the bathroom and once he was alone he cried. He cried because that boy that had been his best friend for as long as he could remember and now Richie felt like he was in love. Wait am I in love?  Richie sobbed more and more, not knowing what to do. It's not like he could tell Eddie how he felt. That would completely ruin their friendship. Eddie would hate him.

He had been in the bathroom for a while and he didn't want Eddie to worry so he wiped his tears and went back towards the bedroom. 

"I didn't realize how hungry I was. I ate so much that I might be able to grow into these clothes!" Eddie laughed. 

Richie faked a smile before joining Eds on the bed. 

"I'm kinda tired, can we get some rest?" Richie asked, not wanting to talk anymore.

"Oh uh sure." Eddie answered.

They both grabbed a blanket and a pillow before laying down to rest. Soon after Eddie fell asleep   snoring but Richie just stared at the ceiling. That's when he got idea of how to get over Eddie.

I'll kiss the next girl I see and make her my girlfriend. 

A Reddie Fanfic: More than FriendsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz