Part 8 Richie

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This had been the best summer of Richie's life but now would be the last time he ever would get to see Eddie. They were gonna write letters to each other but he doubted that would make their relationship last. Eddie was coming down to meet Richie and the Losers at the quarry and then him and Eddie would go off to the park to have a romantic date Richie had set up. Richie wasn't great at being romantic but for Eds he'd try.  

"Richie!" Eddie ran towards him a bright smile on his face.

Richie had to cherish every moment they had together before it was too late. The too of them shared a passionate kiss before Beverly interrupted them.   

"Gett a room! Ha! Remember when you had to tell me that Rich! Look at where you are now!" 

The group all laughed before jumping into the water. 

"Richie, what ever happened to that girl? Lola?" Ben asked

Richie had forgotten all about her. In fact he never even spoke to her again after that one time he tried to show her off to his friends.

"Not sure. I don't really wanna know either," Richie answered

All the fun halted after a little while when it was time for Richie and Eddie to depart. Each of them hugged Eddie trying to hold back tears. Derry would never be the same without that adorable germaphobic little boy.

"I'm gonna miss you Eddie!" Beverly cried into his shoulder.

"Y-ya m-m-me too," Bill stuttered.

The goodbye took longer than Richie would have liked but finally Richie had Eddie hop on the back of his bike. Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie's waist and held on and tight as he could as Richie peddled towards the town park.

"Richieee! Slow down! Do you know how hurt we could get?" Eddie whined.

Richie just laughed and went faster. On the front of Richie's bike was a basket full of Eddie's favorite food and drinks, plus a blanket for them to sit on. At last they reached the park where Richie set up his blanket. He took out little candles and used Beverly's lighter he borrowed to light up the candle.

"This is so beautiful, Rich!" Eddie exclaimed hugging Richie again.

"FAGSS!!!" A familiar voice screamed at them.

It was Henry Bowers.

"Just ignore them.." Eddie whispered to Richie

"No. I told you I would get them back for stealing your stuff before so now I will." Richie proclaimed.

He stood up and walked over to where Bowers and his gang were. He was no longer afraid of the big bullies. Richie had absolutely nothing to lose.

 "Get out of here you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie yelled throwing a rock at Henry.

Bowers just laughed picking up an even bigger rock, "The little queer wants to fight me!"

The boys went back and forth throwing both rocks and insults at each other. Richie picked up the last rock near him and chucked it as hard as he could at Henry's head. A big bang sounded as the rock made contact with the head.

"Ouch!" Henry screamed, as he and his gang ran away.

Richie turned back to Eddie who was just shaking his head. Richie knew he was disappointed in him but he had an idea of how to make it up to him. 

"Will you come with me to the bathroom real quick?" Richie asked with a smirk on his face.

Eddie looked confused but nodded. As soon as the got there Richie picked Eddie up and lifted him onto the bathroom counter. Richie leaned in a to kiss Eddie and bit his lip in the process. 

"Rich," Eddie moaned

Richie smiled at the sweet sound coming from the boys lips. Slowly Richie moved his hand down Eddie's stomach until he reached his dick. He palmed over it making Eddie moan even more. He could tell that he was starting to get hard.

"Richie! We can't do this! We are thirteen!" Eddie yelled.

Richie frowned and told him, "We're not gonna actually do anything but I want you to remember how good I can make you feel when you're gone."

Eddie nodded and Richie thought everything that had been so innocent about that boy was gone as he whispered, "That sounds okay then." 

Richie grinned as continued to palm Eddie and faster and faster. Then he lifted Eddie up more to slip off the boys red shorts revealing the throbbing member sticking up from Eddie's boxers. Eddie looked embarrassed but still grabbed Richie's hand and put it on top of him. Richie took his finger and slowly traced it making Eddie moan for more.

Richie tugged at the elastic of Eddie's boxers and stuck his hand into them rubbing faster and faster. Eddie covered his mouth bot wanting to let out a sound.

"Let me hear is Eds."

Eddie uncovered himself and let every moan echo through the bathroom walls.

"Richie... I-I I think I'm gonna..." Eddie started before he cummed all over Richie's hand.

Richie grinned licking it all up. before handing Eddie's shorts back to him. 

"That's never happened to me before..." Eddie whispered.

Richie laughed as the left the bathroom going back to their picnic spot.

"Maybe when we're older and you come back to Derry we can do that again." 

The two boys finished their picnic in peace and Richie rode Eddie back home on his bike. As the stood at the door to Eddie's house they boys hugged, both of them crying. Richie hadn't realized how sad he was until now when it became final. Richie wouldn't see Eddie for years. Maybe he could try and visit but Richie couldn't drive and he knew his parents would drive him.

"Eds, promise to write to me every week." Richie asked

"I promise. I love you Richie."

Richie tried to hold back more tears as he said, "I love you too Eds."

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