Part One

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I glanced around the corner of the platform, awaiting the goofy grin of my two favorite people. I checked my watch for what seemed like the 50th time in the same minute as I felt two sets of hands grab my shoulders and scream. I jump up from my seat and turn behind me.

"Oh my gosh! You guys scared me!" I almost screamed at the twins.

I've been best friends with the Weasley twins since my first year at Hogwarts. I was two years younger than them, but it didn't really matter.

"That was kinda the point." Fred grined.

He stepped over the bench just to sit down right where I had been sitting, as George came over to me and puts his forearm on my shoulder.

"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes and ducked under George's arm.

Both the twins laughed and Fred comes up to both of us.

"You so ready for 5th year, y/n?" George asked.

"Are you so ready for 7th year?" I copied his tone as I said it.

Fred wrinkled my hair and went to quickly hide behind his mom.

"Hey Molly!"

Molly was like a second mom to me. I almost always spent Christmas at their house and I knew most of her kids better than my own siblings. I loved the Weasleys, and we always joke around saying I was born into the wrong family.

"Y/n!! I'm so glad to see you." She held her hands out wide and hugged me.

Her hugs were probably one of my favorite places to be. They were warm and full of love. And they weren't clammy or forced like some other people's. Plus, I knew if I said anything about it she would make sure I felt comfortable.

"I can't believe you never came to visit this summer! I thought for sure Fred would steal Arthur's car and come get you, but for once in his life he didn't break the rules!" She glanced behind her, raising her eyebrows at Fred.

Fred stepped out from behind her, "Really mom? I follow rules all the time!"

I laughed, "Sure ya do."

Hermione almost takled me as I turned to her, "Oh y/n I missed you so much! I can't believe you didn't come to the Weasley's this summer. I have so much to tell you and you better have everything to tell me too."

Hermione got to spend the whole summer at the Weasley's, I wanted to come so bad but my parents said no. But based upon how she was constantly staring at Ron, I think her 'little crush' she's had for the last few years had grown.

"Well don't get your hopes too high yet, I didn't do much this summer." I hugged her back.

I gave a "what's up" smile and nod to Ron and Harry. And told Ginny I'd talk to her on the train.

We all walked onto the train and tried to find a cabin for us.

As we were walking Ginny turned to me, "Have you seen Mattheo yet?"

"Who?" I asked, turning my head.

"You haven't heard?" she knit her eyebrows as if it was super common knowledge, "Tom Riddle—you know who—'s son, Mattheo Riddle is coming to Hogwarts this year. He's a 7th year, same as Fred and George, but everyone says he's stupid hot,"

"Well, does he act like his dad? I feel like that's a little dangerous, I mean..." my mind started racing to all the worst case scenarios.

"Don't worry, he wasn't raised by you know who, and the school had to do a lot of checking to make sure it was okay to come to hogwarts."

"Oh gotcha. Have you seen him?"

Fred pointed out a cabin meant for around 8 people, so we all slipped in.

"I saw him at the platform, and let me tell you, he was HOT!" Ginny seemed out of breath just thinking about it.

Ron turned to us, "Bloody hell Ginny, I can't believe you're saying this outloud!"

Ginny shot him a defensive look, "Well it's true!"

After a few hours on the train I stood up to walk around, Hermione stood up after me and followed me out.

"So how's Ron doing?" I asked her with a small smirk on my face.

She turned a little red, "What do you mean?"

"Come on 'mione, it's me. You really think I haven't picked up on it yet?"

"Well, we got to talk a lot over the summer and found a bunch of stuff we have in common. I don't think anything will happen though."

I was about to ask another question when somebody bumped into me from behind. I turned around and saw an older boy with dark hair. He was wearing a full suit and tie, holding something up to his nose with his right hand. He looked oddly familiar so I was trying to figure out where I recognized him from when it hit me. This was Mattheo. He had the same eyes and similar face shape to his dads, so it wasn't that hard to put together.

He looked at me and with a very annoyed look in his eyes, "Watch out next time."

Everything else in my brain shut off. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head, stepping forward a little bit. He just ran into me and now he was telling me to 'watch out'?

"Excuse me?" I was completely taken aback, hoping something in him would realize what he said and apologize.

He rolled his eyes, "Sorry princess. Please watch out next time."

This time when he said it he accidentally moved the tissue he was holding a little bit, revealing a ton of dried blood in between his nose and mouth.

I was about to snap back at him when Hermione pulled me to the side.

"Sorry about that." She was still gripping firmly onto my sleeve with a 'snap out of it' look in her eyes.

I watched him shake his head as he walked away. I mean, Who did this guy think he was?!

"Come on! Why did you do that?" I wiggled my arm to get her grip off.

"Because you and I both know you would have ripped his head off if i didn't."

I didn't say anything, but I figured she was right. Nothing would've been solved, it only would've escalated.

"I hope he's okay." she said, glancing farther down the hall.

"Don't you dare fall for whatever that was." I rolled my eyes and went to walk back to our cabin.

She came around to my side and linked her arm with mine, "Okay but you have to admit it, he's hot"

"He's nothing but a flirt. He probably expects to get anything he wants just because some of the girls admire him."

"Whatever" She laughed a little and we continued walking down the train.

Authors note:


I wasn't really sure how to write this story so I ended up going with a 1st person y/n perspective. I hope that makes sense, and you enjoy!

feel free to leave comments at any point you would like, I'd love to read them :)

Word Count: 1211

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