2. Night

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Sorry for taking so long to update! Work has had me on the grind, scheduling me for a week straight. (I usually update on my days off.) Well anyway, back to it I suppose!


As Xelqua and Miesall dug themself out of the ground, the sun was not there to greet them. The area was only lit by moonlight, and even then it was difficult to see. Monsters scrawled along the brush of the jungle they found themselves in, wandering around aimlessly.

"Humans usually stay inside at night, but we don't have anywhere to go. We'll just have to tough it out." Xel was saying as he got out of the hole. An arrow stuck out of his arm, old blood surrounding the healed wound. In his hands he held a compass, pointing north.

"Mobs are merely an annoyance to us as Watchers." Miesall reminded, his fingers largely hidden by the darkness of night. If he hadn't spoken verbally, Xel wouldn't have understood him. Almost as if to highlight this, a zombie dropped out of a tree and took a nice bite out of Miesall's wing.

The creature bit his lip to avoid crying out in pain, opting to send an obsidian spike up from the ground. With the force he used, it should have obliterated the zombie, but instead, it only sent a spike through his foot. Xel was quick to spin around, using his sword to attack the zombie. It fell to the ground, dead, before vanishing. 

"Are you alright?" Xel asked. Miesall did not respond as he held his wing, his hand glowing with magic to heal his wound. It was a senseless question, so he let his actions do the talking.

Xel wasn't surprised by the silence that greeted him, but he still frowned as he watched the creature heal himself. It was taking a few seconds longer than last time they were attacked, and that was slow already. Certainly the snowy-haired Watcher had realized this as well, even though he chose not to comment on it. A few more mobs surrounded them, but they were sure to kill them quickly before continuing north.

The two travelled in silence for awhile, dodging and weaving mobs. The night sure was thick of them, and even though they had their sight as an advantage, they found themselves becoming more and more overwhelmed by them.

Xel slashed another zombie, it's corpse falling to the ground. He was more than aware of the lurking creeper heading straight for him, as well as the skeleton who had shot a few arrows in him already.

Miesall was busy enough fighting a few zombies himself, a baby biting his ankle. Xel's body heaved, recognizing that he had to deal with these two on his own.

Jumping forwards, he began to hear the hiss of the creeper as it began activating. The motion caused him to take another blow from the skeleton. It would have been worth it, except the creeper blew him up anyway.

He winced in pain as he suddenly found himself on the ground, praying to the Great Ones that he would at least get cover from the last remaining mob. If he was a human, he would have been a goner long before this point, but without thinking, he his magic had been healing his body this entire time. At first, he healed as fast as he was hurt, but now he had to wait a good thirty seconds for his body to be fully healed.

As he did so, he watched as Miesall continued to struggle. Before he was even healed, he ran out. "We need to escape!" He exclaimed, taking to the air. The other took the time to kick a baby zombie off of him before following.

Up in the air now, the two Watchers took a few moments to heal any injuries they had. Up here, it was thankfully safe with the exception of an arrow or two whizzing by them. They were a breeze to dodge compared to what they were doing a minute prior.

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