CHAPTER TWO: Quirk Apprehension Test

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Shinso: Well.. I'm not getting a good score on this.
Me: You'll be fine, what the hell is your quirk anyway?
Shinso: ...brainwashing.
Me: Huh. That's sick.
Shinso: Really?

Me: What do you mean really? Why wouldn't that be a sick ass quirk?
Shinso: It scares a lot of people. Too villainous, apparently.
Me: I get that shit all the time too, just don't listen. They don't know what they are talking about.
Shinso: You get comments like that too??
Me: Yeah. I just tell them to fuck off.
Shinso: Hm. I'll do that next time, thanks for that.

I just nodded, and watched Shinso take his turn to throw the ball. I'm up next, and then Midoriya. I really don't think Shinso is gonna do that well, 'cause of his quirk, but he has a lot of potential. For some reason, he kinda seemed insecure about it.

Shinso slowly walked back next to me, embarrassed because he got such a low fucking score. Not that big of a deal, but I feel bad for the guy. He's trying hard.

Aizawa: Ellie, your up.
Me: Oh, great!

I could hear aizawa sigh under his breath while handing me the ball. I stepped in the circle, and activated my quirk in my hand. I dug my feet into the ground, and threw the ball as hard as I could.

Aizawa: 700 meters.

I looked over at Bakugo and he's smirking his literal ass off. He was practically smirking so hard that it almost took up his whole face. Pathetic. I watched Midoriya grab a ball and get into the circle.

...he's really taking his time, huh?

Not even kidding, I fucking blinked, and all of a sudden, Midoriya was wrapped in Aizawa's scarf.

Aizawa: Are you planning on having someone rescue you again?
Midoriya: What? No sir-

This is fucking cold. Even for Aizawa. Why is he picking on this kid so bad?

Shinso: I'd be surprised if he was still attending the school after this.
Me: Sensei fucking despises him already, and he wasn't even doing anything.
Shinso: Yeah.. I didn't think he was doing anything wrong either.
Bakugo: YOU TWO.

Shinso and I turned to Bakugo, and he had this panic look on his face.

Bakugo: Be honest, does that damn nerd.. have a quirk?
Me: How else would he get into the school dipshit?
Shinso: Pfft.
Me: why is that so hard to believe-
Shinso: Probably just never used it.

I looked back at Midoriya, and he looked really tense. Then I saw his finger getting destroyed when he threw the ball. The ball almost looked like a flash it went so fucking fast, I barely even saw it leave his hand.

Me: ...was that his first try?
Shinso: Nah, his second I think.
Me: Huh...

Then Bakugo started freaking his shit, he was about to attack Midoriya until Aizawa wrapped him in his scarf. Aizawa explained what his scarf is made out of, which was really fucking random.

We did the rest of the fitness tests, and headed back up to UA to change. The locker room's smell like a new fucking car, it's honestly impressive how good it smells, not for long though. In a few days, it's going to smell like expensive perfume and fucking B-O. I went to my locker near the classroom and grabbed my backpack. My locker is right next to Tokoyami and Hanta. They seemed chill, so I don't think there's going to be a damn problem-

Sero: Hey! Your in my class.. right? Ellie?
Me: That's me. And your Hanta.
Sero: That's me! I never got to fully introduce myself.. but I guess we already know each other.
Me: I guess so.

I started to walk away, but I heard him run up to me.

Sero: Wait up! We might not know each other well yet, but I need to talk to someone about what happened today.
Me: Midoriya?
Sero: YEAH
Me: That shit was crazy- didn't know Aizawa had something against him.
Sero: He clearly does now. I'm sure it'll work out.

Me: The funniest part of it all was that Aizawa convinced all of us that someone was going to get kicked out.
Sero: RIGHT?? He fucking freaked me out!
Me: I didn't really believe it but..
Sero: He's pretty cold, honestly. But I guess he's just gotta warm up to us.

Me: He eventually will.. if we get damn lucky.
Sero: Then we will be lucky. I know he'll like all of us eventually.
Me: Me too.

We got to the front of UA and headed different ways, Aizawa left without me so I had to take the train that day. I was feeling fucking good. Sero was super chill, and same with Shinso. Classes are really gonna start tomorrow.. that's gonna fucking suck. We barely got any homework today. Besides all of that... I like UA.

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