"Oh shit, Y/n stay calm"
"I am. Dipshit."
"You don't sound like it"
"Hm? Would you rather I be silent?"
"Not normally, but right now? Yea, I need to focus."
"Aw, you like hearing me talk~ maybe you'd like hearing me-"
"SHUT IT. I've just remembered how flirty you get when you're going loopy."
"Hm? I've never been flirty in my life"
"Uh huh, why don't I believe that?"
"I mean... I'd only flirt for you Keithy~"
"I'm sorry are you okay? Too much? I'm sorry Keith, i-"
"Shut up Y/n. It's fine, I'm just focusing."

I noticed a bandage now around my arm and I smiled

"Thanks Keithy"
"Shiro! He's okay! Let's go."
"Hang on- my helmet"
"Ah... there!"

We grabbed my helmet and I put it on, making sure it wasn't damaged before smiling at Keith, who I noticed was staring at me.

On the way they mentioned how Shiro was also wounded and I started to worry.

We held hands as we travelled, as to not lose each other and I realised I was starting to feel a little better, yet a little tired if anything

"Are you two doing okay?"
"Yes Shiro, Y/n's been injured too"
"I'm fine."
"I'm alright too, though, a little worried."
"It's fine, we'll be there before the creatures get you"
"Uh, maybe it's a little too late for that."

The floor beneath us started to burst, me and Keith now a mixture of running and flying as we tried to progress, him almost falling off a cliff with me saving him

"Im here Shiro, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm stuck in a hole though... with, some not so friendly creatures outside"

Keith started muttering, talking with Shiro about an old quote, they sounded so depressing, as if they'd expected to die at any moment... which, could happen I suppose...

I didn't feel like intruding them, it felt personal. Suddenly Keith had the amazing idea of launching himself off the cliff to the other side, me joining him and us flying together toward Shiro, just as we heard him screaming.

We hurried over as we started to not get responses back from Shiro. We continued on foot to see Shiro being chased, him going up to the black lion asking for help as I watched over Shiro, worried as they started to circle him, me laughing - somewhat in pain - when the black lion flew into action, Keith in it.

He scared off the creatures and I ran to shiro

"Shiro! Thank fuck you're okay!"

I ran over, looking at his wounds in shock, he wasn't kidding when he said they were glowing.

"Oh shit, that's not good..."
"Heh, no it isn't, but you took quite a beating too, going to fight Zarkon to save Keith? That takes... quite the guts"
"Yeah I guess, Shiro, can I ask you something?"
"I just-"

The last thing I noticed was the sky, Keith's face blocking the sun, he looked like he was yelling but the ringing in my ears proved too loud as I passed out.



When I woke up, I was in Keith's arms, his arms the only thing keeping me warm from the pod? I think I was in...

I looked up and saw him smile at me, him leaning down to whisper in my ear

"Man, falling for me all over again? That's new"
"Oh shut it you douche! Since when did you flirt?!"
"Hm... As you said yourself, 'I only flirt for you Y/n~"
"Oh god... not again. I need to stop almost dying around you."
"What?! Y/n you've almost died before you even sped off into space?"
"Yup... Uhh... I fell off Keith's bike and passed out and... most likely got a concussion, got loopy and, uhm, started flirting with Keith, before we started dating no less..."
"Haha, sounds like a thing you'd do"
"I can't believe you Y/n!"
"What?! I had no control over it!"

I noticed I was still in Keith's arms and leaned back into him, laughing when his face went bright red. I climbed off him and told him I was sorry, him clearly knowing I was lying.

"Oh god, I need a nap..."
"Do you want any help? We all know these pods always make us somewhat unstable"
"Uh, yeah, sure, thanks Keith!"

He helped me up, an arm around my waist just incase I were to fall.

As we made it to the hallway with our rooms Keith turned to me

"You alright to go back to your room by yourself?"

I opened my door and stumbled in, feeling... confused. I like Keith, definitely more then a friend I knew that at least... And Keith probably likes me back, otherwise why would he spend so much time with me? And outright flirt no less. I like him, but... would dating him be too painful again?

Before I could realise I'd passed out without changing, falling into a deep sleep

-- Dream Time --

I was sat in the castle lounge, no one with me, I sighed and noticed a door opening, no one walking in. I was confused until someone wrapped their arms around my neck, a blade now pointed to it.

"I hate you, you know that? I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."

Suddenly hands were wrapping around my neck. I grabbed the arms around my neck and tried talking, failing miserably, my throat feeling increasingly sore. I couldn't tell who the person was but, just by voice alone I think I could tell. I just didn't want to admit it.

I watched as the persons hand drew nearer, their blade was... unique to say the least, it had words in an unknown language to me and seemed to be glowing in some places.

I saw the blade touch my skin and at the last second. I woke up.

I got up, slumped over. I sighed and rubbed my eyes before standing up, getting changed into joggers and a Hoodie before shuffling out into the hall, trying to decide on either, getting water, training, or going and waking up Keith to ask to sleep in his bed.

I chose to grab water. Dumb idea, I know. I could be spilling my heart out to Keith right now, but, I really wasn't on the mood at the moment.

I walked into the kitchen, finding a space equivalent to water and taking a swig, sitting on the counter as I did so

"Ah, Y/n, what are you doing up?"
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just, tired still, might go room with Keith"
"Hm, could do but I wanted to talk"
"Uh oh, when space dad wants to talk you know its bad."
"It's not, I promise, just wondering what you wanted from me, before you passed out you said you had a question"
"Oh, I did didn't I? I think... its to do with Keith, and I know you and Adam are goin' strong so"
"Mhm, you thought I could give you advice."
"Well, explain it to me, how is your relationship with Keith?"
"I don't know, we're friends? I think... Very close friends who - despite Keith's personality - flirt openly? I like him, more then a friend but... scared of commitment? He broke up with me, maybe I'm scared it'll happen again. Maybe it's awkward because of that, I don't know Shiro."
"I think... you should talk to Keith about it, I think he'll share that feeling"
"Hm... yeah, maybe another time though"
"Haha, well, go get some sleep Y/n, don't want you being tired tomorrow"
"Yeah, night Shiro"
"Oh, and, go get Keith. He'll gladly let you stay with him, you know how to wake him up"
"Haha, course I do, night Shiro, you get some sleep too"
"Thanks Y/n"

I wondered back down to my room, this time going towards Keith's and knocking on the door just in case, when I got no response I walked in to see Keith asleep. I smiled and walked slowly toward his bed.

I leaned over Keith and started playing with his hair, trying to get him up without jumping on him. When that didn't work I started nudging his shoulder, getting harder the longer he was asleep

"Y/n? What're you doing in here?"
"I had a nightmare, can I... sleep here?"
"Yeah just let me move over"

His voice was rasped and my cheeks were dusted a faint pink because of it. He moved over, back against the wall; he looked up at me and put his arms out for me to cuddle into him. I accepted and basically jumped into his arms, breathing in the nice scents of his room as Keith held me in his arms, I could feel myself dozing off already, thinking about Zarkon's words, what does he mean, Half-Altean?

End Of Chapter Three.

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