Chapter Fifteen: Boston

Start from the beginning

Jake's POV:

I smiled as I looked at what Brian had put together for the boys and with Andrew's video playing in the background it was perfect. "That's awesome, so then I'll just come in at the end and do my part. Thanks guys" I said as they all walked off stage. The show was about to begin and the fans started to pile into the venue, the thing is I needed their help too. I had made sure her parents kept her out later so that I could get the fans in on everything that was going down later. I walked out on stage to all the fans screaming, I greeted them, then I told them about my plan. "So are you guys cool with all of that?" I asked only to have them scream back in response. "Thanks guys, alright now Boston please put your hands together for Sammy and Skate." I said and jogged off stage only to see Erin sprinting through the back doors to get ready in her dressing room. I chuckled, if she only knew what was coming.

Erin's POV:

I put on a black lace dress that had long sleeves on it paired with some black fishnet tights as quickly as I could. My makeup artist was able to put on a dark pink lip, smokey eye, and curl my hair perfectly. I slipped my silver heels on as fast as possible and headed towards the side of the stage. When I got there I told Jake which song I was doing for the end of my set but avoided eye contact with him as much as possible. I looked up trying to find Brian and the dancers, but what my eyes met was Austin standing right in front of me. My mouth opened slightly as he took a few steps closer, "Look at us baby, finally famous at last. How does it feel to be the whore of Digitour?" he chuckled and held up his phone that had the article on it. I bit my lip before I answered him "Fine, congratulations Austin you got your fifteen minutes of fame for using me. And it may make me look like a whore, but how do you think it makes you look huh? You are nothing, always have been and always will be nothing." I said as I heard Jake announce me to the screaming crowd. "You might want to just leave baby, before you embarrass yourself even more" I said tapping his chest lightly and turned to walk onto the stage.

I took a deep breath and smiled to myself as I gripped the mic in my hand and stood on the dark stage. I was surrounded by my dancers and ready to finally perform for my home state, I was finally ready. The lights hit me and the music began, when I turned and began singing I saw all of the fans holding up signs that said Welcome Home 💕#weloveyouerin I automatically started to tear up and smiled. I was speechless, even when Sammy came out I couldn't stop crying from happiness. I went through the rest of my set effortlessly because of all the energy the crowd was giving me, I was definitely feeding off of it.

It came time for my last song and I took a seat on the chair Brian had set out for me. "Well, it's my last song but before that I just wanted to express my gratitude for you guys. I love you so so much, and with everything that's been going on with Twitter and the media I just wanted to thank you guys for all your love and support. It honestly means the world to me. I also wanted to thank my parents, they're here tonight, so I wanted to thank for everything that they've done for me over the years. Thank you to all the people at Digi, and these amazing boys that I've gotten to spend the summer with. So with that said I wanted to dedicate this last song to all of you guys, my parents, the boys, everyone. Even though this is seen as more of a romantic song I think it applies to you guys. This is My Everything." I said with a smile as the crowd went wild. I went through the song with a smile on my face but tears welled up in my eyes, no matter what I couldn't deny that deep down I was singing to Jake. He knew it too, I looked over at him to see him smiling and mouthing along to the words I was singing. I smiled even wider before I turned back to the audience and finished the song. I thanked them and blew them all a kiss before I walked off the stage to watch the Jacks.

I smiled and clapped as the Jacks finished their set, next was the interview questions for all of the guys. So I figured I might as well go join my parents up where they were sitting, but then Gilinsky walked over to me and stopped me from going anywhere. "Jack wh-" "Okay, so normally we would have the interview part of the show next. But tonight we have a little something different planned, so I would like to bring Miss Erin Martin back to the stage" Johnson said pulling a chair out to the center of the stage. Gilinsky pushed me out towards where Johnson was standing. "Have a seat, Miss Martin has no idea what's going on right now." Johnson said before jogging off stage right. "Jack!" I yelled after him and then shrugged at the crowd. Just then my all time favorite song, Girlfriend by N'Sync blared out of the speakers and Gilinsky popped out onto the stage in a Celtics jersey. He began lip syncing along to the music and one by one each of the boys came out in some kind of Boston sports jersey. They all began to dance along to the music in complete boy band fashion. I covered my mouth as I laughed at all of their efforts to dance as best they could. Then as the lyrics blared "I know you hear your friends when they say you should" all of the boys pointed up to the right balcony that was lit with a spotlight. I began to cry as I saw all of my friends and family, with Kelcie in front, holding up signs saying You should. The crowd seemed to be loving this as much as I was. I turned around in my seat to see that a video was playing of all the time Jake and I had spent together on tour, Andrew must have made this somehow. I looked down at him as he was getting all of this on camera from below the stage and smiled shaking my head.Then the boys all began to circle around me as the bridge started up, they all pointed to the crowd when the music play "I've searched around this whole damn place and everything says you were meant to be my girlfriend oh" the crowd held up signs that said Erin+Jake. So naturally I started to tear up again.

The song came to a finish and the crowd went crazy as the boys all posed around me. I couldn't stop laughing and crying as I hugged each of them. I pulled away from Sammy who then turned me around so I could see Jake coming onto the stage, wearing a Bruins jersey with our favorite player on it. He had a mic in one hand and a bunch of sunflowers and tiger lilies in the other. Now the crowd was screaming, he handed me the flowers and took my hand before he brought the mic up to his lips. "You are everything I've ever wanted. Ever since I first saw you I wanted to make you mine, I'm sorry it took me so long to prove it to you. Erin, I am completely in love with you and all I want is to make you as happy as you've made me. So in case the song didn't give it away.." he said chuckling softly, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I cried even harder now but I was able to get out a yes. He quickly pulled me in for a hug and the crowd went wild. I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him passionately, the boys all cheered and jumped around. I blushed as we pulled away and he held me against his chest.

With that the show came to a close and so did the tour itself. Jake and I had decided to walk around the city a bit and we had made our way towards the harbor. "So this is it huh? Tour's over." I said leaning into him as we walked. "Yeah, I guess so. Will you come to LA with us? I'm getting a place of my own right down the street from the Jacks. And there's always a spot for you in my bed" he said with a smirk on his face, but yet I could tell he was being serious. "Move in together? Are you sure we're ready for that?" I asked stopping us. "Yeah, I think we are. I mean we've lived together practically this whole summer, and if we can survive a summer like this then I'm sure we could survive living together." he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist. "Okay, then yes" I smiled widely before pulling him in for a kiss. "Wait" he said pulling away and took my phone out. He kissed me again and took a picture of us with the harbor behind us. I smiled and pecked his lips again, I posted the picture to Instagram and Twitter. 

@ErinMartinMusic: "Cause you are, you are, you are my everything💕☁️"

And he is.


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