Chapter Nine: Ups and Downs

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Jake's POV:

My fist hit the tiled wall as the hot water ran over my hair, I couldn't believe I had sex with Caroline last night. Sure I was drunk, but I knew deep down it was just out of spite against Erin. I had no idea if she and Skate hooked up last night, but I was hoping she didn't. Damn I'm such a hypocrite. How could I do this to her? My mind was going a million miles a minute and I couldn't get any of my feelings straight. Just knew that I had to end things with Caroline, but to be honest I wasn't too sure how I would do it. I also needed to know what happened between Erin and Skate before I did anything.

I wrapped a towel around my waist as I stepped out of the shower and shook my hair out with my hand. "Aww you didn't wait for me to join you" Caroline said standing in the bathroom doorway with a smirk on her face. She had on one of my tie dye t-shirts that barely covered her stomach. I wished it was Erin that was standing in front of me, I knew my shirt would be way too big for her and would probably go just above her knee. Caroline was too tall to look as adorable as Erin would in it. "Sorry" I said walking past her and went to grab some clothes. Once I had on some sweats and a black tank I grabbed my phone and sat on the edge of the bed. I opened up Twitter and went through my time line, everything was me and Erin. Jarin was still trending number one in the US and still going considering we kissed on stage last night. I saw some pictures fans took of it and I saved them to my phone, I even set one to my wallpaper. To be honest I really didn't care if Caroline saw, I couldn't get Erin out of my mind.

Everything about her made me smile. The way she laughed, how excited she got over the littlest things, and how she secretly is a huge dork. So many other things about her ran through my mind, but it only made me frown. She still wasn't mine. I opened Twitter back up and opened a draft tweet. Once I finished typing I hit the tweet button and laid back on the bed with a sigh.

Erin's POV:

By the time Skate had woken up I had already been awake for about three hours. "Hey, how'd you sleep, baby girl?" he asked in his groggy voice. I sighed and just looked up at him from where I was laying on his chest. "Not good? Aww I'm sorry" he sighed and pulled me into a hug, I just laid there. I felt so numb, I knew that Caroline and Jake hooked up last night and it made me sick. I thought that Jake was different than every other guy I had been with, but I guess not. "I'm gonna get in the shower okay? You try to get some rest" Skate said as he got out of the bed and then headed towards the bathroom door. I grabbed the pillow he was using and hugged it against my chest as I squeezed my eyes shut. No matter how hard I tried I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep. I sighed loudly and grabbed my phone from the other side of the bed. I opened twitter to reluctantly find Jarin trending once again, along with pictures of Jake and I kissing on stage last night. "If only they knew" I said to myself quietly. I continued to scroll down until I came across Jake's tweet, it was only from ten minutes ago. @JakeFoushee "You own my heart, and she just renting" I bit down on my lip, I could feel my heart skip a beat, I knew that was about me. But no matter what, he still slept with Caroline. Well at least I think he did, what if he didn't? What if he was too mad about Skate and I? Did he think Skate and I hooked up?

I couldn't think straight. All I knew was that I had such strong feelings for Jake, but I didn't know what to do about Caroline. I slowly subtweeted back to Jake, @ErinMartinMusic: "You've gotta love me harder" as soon as I hit the tweet button my notifications blew up. So many favorites and retweets, some fans were even tagging Jake in it directly. I sighed and threw my phone back to the side of the bed before my hands went up to cover my face. I didn't want to deal with any stupid drama while I was on tour and so far this was all it was turning into. "You doing okay?" Skate asked walking out of the bathroom with a pair of basketball shorts on. "I've been better, but I'll survive." I said moving my hands and sitting up while pulling the covers further up onto my body. "Well I just got a text from Johnson saying that we have to be on the bus in a hour. Then I guess on the way to Omaha we're stopping at some amusement park." he said running his hands through his wet hair. I yawned and swung my feet over to the side of the bed, "Alright, I'm gonna start getting ready then" I said as I stood up and headed towards the bathroom.

Why Try? (A Jake Foushee FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon