Chapter One: DigiFest Mass

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Erin's POV:

Today was the day, Digifest Mass. To think only a couple of months ago I was trying to get tickets. And now I was going to be performing? It was absolutely blowing my mind. I had on my grey sweats and a black tank top waiting for my ride. Suddenly I see my friend Andrew hanging out of the car window with his camera in hand. This kid was always vlogging.

"DIGIFEST MASS BITCHES!" my best friend Kelcie yelled from the drivers seat as they pulled into my driveway. "And here we have the star herself, Miss Erin Martin. She of course needs to ride shot gun." Andrew said as he put the camera in my face and got out of the seat so I could sit. "Oh my god stop" I said laughing and got into the car. "You guys bought me Dunkin?!" I asked squealing with delight. "Of course! It's your big day!" Kelcie said as she pulled out of the driveway. "You guys are bae" I said and opened the bag. "So Jake Foushee if you're watching this, the key to her heart is dunkin" Andrew said facing the camera back towards himself. "Edit that out!" I laughed and swatted back at his camera from my seat.

"So, how does it feel to be performing in front of all of your adoring fans today, Miss Martin?" Andrew asked in a interview like tone. "What fans? I'll be lucky if anyone sticks around after I sing the first note." I said laughing and took a sip of my iced tea. "Oh shut up, girl just hit them with those whistle tones and they'll be all yours." Kelcie said with a wink and turned her attention back towards the road.

Soon we arrived at the venue in Boston, all three of us nearly ran to the backstage area where I had to get ready for sound check. "Er say something to the camera before you go" Andrew said just as I was about to step into my trailer to change and get ready. "Something" was all I said before sticking my tongue out and laughed. I walked inside and saw my outfit they had picked out for me was already there. I turned to Kelcie and shook my head, "No way" I said looking over at the outfit again. It was a black lace dress that had quarter lace sleeves, but was way to short to dance in. "Girl, this is what spanks are for now put it on" Kelcie said pointing to it. I sighed and began to get ready.

Once my makeup and hair were finished I put the dress on, along with the five inch sparkly sliver heels. I looked at myself in the mirror, "I look like a cow" I said pulling at my thighs and sighing. I was on the curvier side, not too fat but not skinny either. The only plus side was that I had bigger boobs and a huge ass. "Er! Stop no you don't! You look hot!" Kelcie said taking my hand and leading me out of the trailer. Andrew's camera of course was on me as soon as I walked out, "And here she is! The super star herself Miss Erin Martin! Look at her all ready to go for her sound check! How do you feel Miss Martin?" he asked as we began walking towards the stage. "Hot as balls" I said in a serious tone only to make Kelcie burst out into laughter. "Always a lady" Andrew said turning the camera on himself.

Backstage we met up with some of my dancers, they were mostly just a couple of guys from school that I knew could dance. I only needed them for one night anyway. I was taken by surprise when Kelcie grabbed my arm, "Er, it's them!" she squealed. "Who Kelc?" I asked looking around, suddenly I froze. There on the stage stood, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Sammy Wilk, Skate, and most importantly Jake Foushee. They were going through their fan question portion of their set, mostly it focused on the Jacks Sammy and Skate. But I kept my focus on Jake, he was even more gorgeous in person. I felt my mouth getting dry and my hands start to shake. I grabbed the nearest water and gulped it down, trying to calm myself down. They finished their set and now it was my turn, I took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage where my dancers were. They were set in their places, I gripped the mic tight in my hand waiting for the music to start. I could here Kelcie and Andrew cheering me on like idiots, which did cause me to laugh and calm down a bit. "Wait, hold up guys check-" was all I heard come out of Jack Gilinsky's mouth from the other side of the stage before Be My Baby by Ariana Grande started playing. I started off with my normal whistle tones and then went through the motions and choreography with my dancers. I added my own little spin and rifts to certain parts to the song, causing Kelcie and Andrew to scream louder. I finished the song sitting down with all the dancers surrounding me, I added an extra rift at the end and laughed as I made eye contact with one of the dancers. I heard massive applause, enough to be more than just Kelcie and Andrew. I turned to stage right and saw all of the boys standing there applauding, Sammy even whistled. I looked down blushing before we all walked off stage left, I was only doing one song since I really didn't have much of a fan base, or any for that matter.

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