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A requested shot from @Colin_Creevy_6

Some modifications in the story:-

Prachi is NOT pregnant.

Seriously, the unplanned/sudden pregnancy track is one of my most despised tracks and amid these misunderstandings and vicious plottings, it seems nothing but some nuisance side plot just to increase the melodrama.

Rhea/Aliya/Pallavi did not send any divorce papers to Prachi, nor did they get any of them signed by Ranbir because they did not think that Prachi would come back, and hence, they just didn't feel the need for that.

Abhi and Pragya, I apologize to the fans already, are very much dead in my timeline, thank you.


Prachi blinked her eyes into focus. The thick file of papers needed her attention. Taking a deep breath, she nodded. The chatting of her office staff filled her cabin momentarily as her assistant slid out of the glass door.

Gulping a long drag of water, she slid open a drawer of her table side chest. Taking out an envelope, she peered at the legal papers. The content is the same as what she's been reading for the entire last month.

Her cabin door burst open and Prachi held the urge to roll her eyes.

"Are you sure Prachi?" Aryan stood before her, the file she has just signed clutched in one hand and a frown set on his face.

"Hello to you too, have a seat." Prachi smiled at him.

"You know that this is not right." He waved the file in the air, clearly frustrated.

"We'll have profit from this deal, Aryan. Lots of it." Prachi replied, calmly.

"But it's not a sure deal. If Miss James refused to agree to our terms, there will be no time to compensate. The deal will be lost, and so will the two best options for new branches in Queensland." Aryan said.

"But in that case," Sushma Aunty, the lady who had helped her mother come back from the rubbles, and had also helped Prachi on her lowest, said, coming into the cabin. "Miss James would have lost her most profitable asset for her sister's music company, leading to us being able to buy one of the most sought lands in Perth."

"It's a win-win. Now it is up to Miss James to decide if she wants to have a loss in the Music Co. that is run by her sister or to have a loss in her own estate business." Prachi called her assistant in to finally take the file before Aryan come up with another problem in the deal.

Honestly, over the past two months since... things happened, he had acted like a strict parent more than her actual parents had.

"You called Prachi?" Sushma Aunty asked, settling on the forest green sofa in the far back of the cabin.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Prachi moved to sit in front of the lady who's taken care of her just like her own. Helping her, nurturing her, guiding her. Training to make the strong woman out of the heartbroken wife. "I've decided not to shoulder the false accusations." She breathed, afraid.

Afraid that Sushma may think that all she's done for her, all she's done to her, was a waste of her time and energy.

Sushma smiled, a proud look in her eyes, "And how do you plan to do that?"

"You're not stopping me?" Prachi asked, surprised. She was fully prepared to coax Sushma for the next few weeks to let her do as she pleased that the thought of her agreeing so easily hadn't even crossed her mind.

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