Claiming To Love Me

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The silence echoing in the room was a drastic opponent to the voice in her head that screamed a seemingly never-ending string of questions added with profanities here and there at the dumbest thing she had done in her life, that was falling for the famous flirt.

Damn her heart, it had to surrender to the one who was waiting for the opportunity to break it, right?

She didn't have any strength left in herself to refuse the fact that she had, in fact, against her better judgment and factitious pointers about how it was a very bad idea, fallen for The Ranbir Kohli.

For the first time in her life, she had let a boy into her heart. She had thought that maybe, just maybe he was not like her father. He was her friend after all, and she trusted him! 

He made her trust him, all this just so he could stomp on her heart? She had given him the place she had vowed to not let anyone even come near to. He made her see that it is not compulsory for everyone to be deceiving, untrustworthy and irresponsible like her father.

And what lengths had he gone to prove her stereotypes wrong. He had supported her, trusted her when all else refused to. Only to knock her off that all she ever thought, believed was true. She should never trust Anyone. Ever.

Her cheeks felt sticky after all the tears she shed had dried off. Her hands were slick with sweat as she clasped them in tight fists. She had run out of tears a while ago, and her head pounded with all the crying she had done. No more tears left to shed, she felt as if her body refused to wail anymore for the deception she faced.

But even though her tear glands had exhausted themselves, her mind was a whole different story. It was like someone had paid it to vividly play the recent happenings like a bloody loop on her pallet. Images were clear as daylight, and every word rang like a bell in her conscious. Taunting her mercilessly that how her one tiny slip up made her the idol of stupidity and humour in front of the world.

Prachi entered the college with Shahana beside her and a smile playing on her lips. Spotting the pair of familiar-looking boys, Shahana dragged her towards them even after she assured her that she can walk on her own. Just coming in His line of sight made her heart flutter.

Ever since he had gifted her the bouquet of the most vibrant roses she had ever seen on Rose day last week, she couldn't help but feel her emotions getting all jumbled up together. He hadn't said anything to her, not even a single word when he had handed her the pretty flowers. 

But she wasn't a college ranker for nothing. 

Propose day + Kneeling Boy + Girl + Red roses + Madly hooting friends 

It could only mean one thing. And the feelings that his brown eyes showcased couldn't have been justified in any amount of words, so it was better that he didn't try to say anything. She had never thought in her life that she would ever do the thing that she had done next. Her feelings may have been a confusion to herself, but at that very moment, her feelings for Ranbir were the most evident realization she had ever had regarding anything she had ever done or felt.

Her newly found part of heart had overtaken her being and she had shyly, but smoothly, accepted the sweet token of love from his hands. Which resulted in the whole student body erupting into wild cheers. And then she had done something even more daring.

She softly caressed the tips of petals with her fingertips. The gentle dew tingled her palm. She had glanced up to look at his smiling face, a victorious grin on his lips and love, pure love and adoration oozing from her face. She had decided to do something in return and knew that anything from her would be enough for him. 

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