-/Almost There/-

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The lights of the unlit house switched on as your uncle closed the door behind him. You placed your things down on the couch and sat on the couch as Miya followed. 

"So are you going to explain or..." 

Joe dropped his bag on the counter as he quickly opened a bottle of wine for himself. The liquid poured into the glass at a quick pace as Joe flipped whole the bottle vertically. You and Miya just observed him as he was not speaking a single word, your eyes quickly followed him as he moved towards the single chair in the living room,  facing the plush couch you and Miya were situated in. 

Taking a big ass gulp Joe puts down the cup and sighs. "I have no idea where to start.." 

"See I thought I was the one who was gonna end up explaining myself tonight." You quietly say.

"[Name]-." Joe responded with a 'are you serious face' as he just took a moment before he spoke again.

"Okay so,-" Joe started as he was quickly interrupted by the slouching boy next to you.

"I know Joe from going to S, as he participates in a lot of races too and is always fighting with a guy in pink hair-" Miya said in one breath to break the silence as Joe was seemingly not going anywhere.

"Well damn you didn't need to call me out like that." Joe reclined back on the chair as he continued. "Yes I participate in S and so does Kaoru, we started S with adam when we were teenagers, but I have learned to prioritize my work I don't go THAT often." He closes his eyes in annoyance as Miya made him sound like some irresponsible adult. 

"Now that that's clear, what the hell were the both of you doing in the middle of the night on the side of the road, and [Name] why do you look like you know what S is? I know you mentioned it once I just hoped you didn't know what it was." Joe pointed at you as every party in this situation was as guilty as the other. Joe didn't let you start before he pointed out your beat-up skateboard. " Why is your skateboard holding on by a thread... and now that I look at it why are you all scratched up?!"

Joe got up to inspect your face as you pushed him away. "I'm fine for your information! And I-"

"I took them to S!" Miya stands up from the couch. Joe quickly turns his head like an owl to start at the boy. "Blame me for it, I invited them! They crossed paths with shadow and ended up in a beef with him. I should not have let them go out of my sight."

Although Miya was trying to protect you. Joe's eyes ended up back on you. "Yeah, yeah, I get it.." "It's not entirely his fault, but thank you, Miya. I ran off on my own and didn't realize how dangerous and crazy people were there. I'm sorry, I also snuck out of the house, did crazy ass flips, and almost died twice... I'm sorry.." Your head lowers are your sight is not on your dirtied-up shoes. You suddenly feel Joe hug you, "I'm just glad you're okay.." 

Miya just stood there spacing out, he was just glad you weren't getting heavily scolded by Joe right now.

"If it makes you feel any better, I got some cash out of that clown, and maybe a vending machine." You hold up the stack of the cash, still looking hella guilty. "Hmm.. you know what, I will not encourage such behavior but ill take this as an apology." Joe snatched the money out of your hands jokingly and quickly gave it back. 

"No, but seriously you are in some serious trouble."


Joe dropped off Miya at his house and quickly came back to talk to you.  "Look I'm not gonna be an ass about it, and telling you to never go again would be hypocritical but I don't want to lose you, after what happened with your dad I'm not taking chances. I just want you to focus on school for now okay? I will let you go to S but it has to be with me, don't go sneaking out with people you barely met. I mean out of everyone I'm glad it was Miya but still." Joe pauses to think and continues. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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