/-A picture is solely a picture-/

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After the whole ordeal at the dinner table, Kaoru decided to stay awhile and continue his previous conversation with the green-haired male for a while. [Name] went upstairs as they were more interested in the message left on their phone as the notification stayed still on their lock screen reeking of mystery. Getting out of their head [Name] walks towards their room averting their eyes from the screen.

"What do I even do..?" plopping onto their bed as the soft mattress comforted them created a small sense of relaxation from such a curious day.

 Looking away from their phone [name] takes a moment to admire the cool breeze coming into the room as the curtains swayed to the small whistle of the wind as through them you could see the deep dark blue sky. Although the color was known for the intimidating description it always brought [Name] a sense of tenderness and comfort as it was a deep void they could stare at all day with no thought in their mind.

 Looking at the screen they read it over and over again. Deciding to finally click it [Name] comes up with a reply not putting much thought into it as they figured stressing out about it wouldn't help. Wait why were they even stressed in the first place?

Sighing your hands were slightly trembling as your palms sweated nervously

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Sighing your hands were slightly trembling as your palms sweated nervously. Of course, you hadn't had any type of social interaction recently.

 Rolling around on your bed your mind started to race. "What should I even make as a disguise?? I am not cinderella although I wish I was." You say getting up and looking around your luggage for anything. 

Rummaging around random crap, you open one of the last suitcases you had been stalling to open. "I shouldn't take anything from here it's just a stupi-" You stop yourself looking at a couple of racing helmets resting in the suitcase soundly surrounded by some other things belonging to your father. They looked so lifeless as the person in them was gone-.

 "UHHH why am I so dramatic." You say in frustration letting out a chuckle at the thought. "I mean this could work with a reflective film.." You say picking up one of the helmets and inspecting it. "I feel bad.." 

You didn't want to touch anything that was your father's especially not use it for a dumb race "WAIT I should have some of my own, as I would like to drive around with my dad.." Now thinking of it it wasn't the safest but at least you had a helmet. 

Rummaging around more you found a black helmet with red accents from last year, you're surprised you hadn't thought of this earlier as your dad would buy you these pretty regularly.

Now you would just need a reflective screen... 

"I can get that tomorrow at the store, for now, I'll just watch something, I should also start decorating this room that's if Joe lets me." You say listing a couple more things you needed to do, going back to your bed, and placing the helmet on the nightstand.

11:30 PM 

Marked the clock. [Name's] eyelids had gotten heavy, slowly dropping and draping their eyes in complete darkness, as the lighting in the room was dim, soft yellowish light bouncing off the walls but just before they could go into a deep sleep they hear the door open.

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