-/Bye, Bye Seoul/-

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"Oh wait I forgot something" [Name] says as they run into the house while Joe is still trying to desperately stuff the last things into the trunk of the car with Alfred trying to help him as Joe stubbornly resisted. 

Alfred had come back to say his goodbyes as he had built a strong bond with the family.

[Name] quickly snatches the bracelet that they left on the kitchen counter as small memories flood in their mind as they look around for one last time before appearing back at the entrance. Everything seemed packed as Alfred and Joe were already in the car. Hopping in the car [Name] looks at the screen on the car as it marked 2:34 pm. "Are you ready to go?" Alfred said for the last time with a hint of sadness in his voice. They smile nodding as he starts driving and chatting with Joe.


You looked out the window almost the whole way while listening to Alfred and Joe's conversation only participating in it occasionally. You watched as the car passed by the city one more time. You don't doubt you would do this again though, your house there still remained yours. Which in a way comforted you, you never imagined missing this place as school wasn't the best and you were pretty much alone while only getting used to interacting with adults more than kids your age.

✈ At Incheon International Airport

"We are here!" Joe exclaimed getting out of the car. "Although I must say getting a parking space was quite a hassle" Alfred adds while turning off the car and opening the truck. [Name] chuckles hearing Alfred rant, as he had brought them to the Airport a handful of times.

[Name] got their bag from the trunk, they take out a suitcase while Alfred had already taken out 2 which belonged to [name] and Joe. 

Joe looked around the packed Airport parking lot looking for nothing in particular except the entrance to the terminal. The three of them started walking, suitcases in hand as Joe put on his sunglasses out of nowhere. "What are you putting on those for are you getting old or something?" Joe turned his head at the smaller teen "HEY! I am not old I am in my prime age right now!" He talked back in utter shock. "You're in denial!" [Name] replied as Alfred just chuckled overhearing the uncle and niece's debate.

Finally getting to the doors of the terminal you walk in to see the curved high roof of the busy airport, as people speed through and small stores are seen all over the nicely decorated commercial airport. 

Walking further Albert stops at where the line for the documentation desks starts. "Goodbye, I will miss you guys. Have a nice flight! And remember to stay in touch." Albert says with a smile as it was a bitter-sweet moment. [Name] hugged him as so did Joe, after a few moments they both headed off to the desk where the big sign read "Asiana".

Joe walked up to the lady at the desk as he flirted with his broken Korean as the flustered lady documented the four suitcases. You were just on your phone looking at Twitter the whole time as you just posted a picture at the airport, looking up you followed Joe as he said goodbye to the lady at the counter. 

After passing security smoothly the both of you go sit down at your gates waiting area. "Can we go get a coffee or something, I am thirsty..." [Name] asks whining like a child. 

"I am surprised you weren't going to ask to go to the bathroom next," Joe responds in a salty tone. "Wow, you're as salty as your homemade parmesan cheese." [Name] says laughing at their uncle's behavior. 

"Keep talking and we won't get drinks," Joe said while a smirk played on his lips. "Finee..." The teen says in defeat. 

"I'll go for the drinks wait here, what do you want?" 

"Um, which cafe are you going to?" 

"I think I saw a Starbucks around here so I might go there."

"Oooo then I want [favorite drink]."

"Okay got it!" Joe says running off to where the small shops were centered on the second floor.

"Huh, what's this?" [Name's] eyebrows furrow as they try reading the tweet with their @ on it.

"DUDE I JUST SAW SOUL AT THE AIRPORT!" *video attachment* 

'HOW DID I NOT SEE THEM?' [Name] thought to themselves. "Damn I need to get glasses, I am surprised I haven't fallen on my face lately while skateboarding."

[Name] decided to wander around for a little, not going too far from their spot as they ran into one of those help robots.

Messing around with it for a minute, they finally take a picture of it and walked back to their seat where they watched their phone for a while until hearing familiar steps approaching them

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Messing around with it for a minute, they finally take a picture of it and walked back to their seat where they watched their phone for a while until hearing familiar steps approaching them.

 "The employee gave me two extra cookies want some?" Joe asks with two close lid cups in his hands. "Pretty Privilege." [Name] says in a jokingly tone while taking the drink and the baked treat that Joe handed them and taking a small sip out of the cup.

"I am dreading to get back to Okinawa, Kaoru is going to be on my ass the whole way back for taking his suitcase, I am surprised he didn't stick Carla in it and ride it around the airport," Joe says sighing imagining the scenario in his head as he chuckled to himself. "Kaoru is going to pick us up!?" The teen asks excitingly as their eyes immediately light up. Surprisingly they managed to get along with the pink-haired male.

"What's so exciting abou-". "All first-class passengers may start boarding flight 7115." Joe was cut off by the seeming loud speakers, casting one of the desk lady's voice through the whole section of the airport.  "That's us." The green-haired man exclaims starting to gather the stuff that was placed on the seat beside him. "What are our seat numbers?" [Name] asks peeking over to see their passports and tickets. "Uhhh we are sitting in seats A and B row 8." He replies squinting his eyes as he tries to read the small letters on the imprinted paper.

[Name] swings their backpack over their shoulder and starts walking to the line with their uncle. The two get into their seats and settle in for their seats as their next stop was Fukuoka Airport.

✈Fukuoka Airport

 The flight went by smoothly as it was only an hour and a half long. "Welcome to Japan you are now in Fukuoka Airport and the plane has come to a stop so you can start unbuckling your seatbelts and claim your things from the overhead bin." The flight attendant said in a sweet voice as she put the announcer back into its place. 

[Name] faintly heard the announcement as they had their headphones on the whole flight watching whatever was available on the small screens in front of them,  they managed to understand the announcement as they placed their headphones off their head and around their neck. Gathering all their stuff the uncle and niece started boarding off the plane, thanking the flight attendants. 

A/n: I don't know why I felt the need to write the whole plane process, this was going to be way longer but I had to cut it short.  I will probably post the next chapter soon so see you till then! ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ࣪

Word count: 1272

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