/- "Uh?"/-

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Speeding to the end where they both met up head to head the teens pass the area due to momentum still built in the wheels of the pleasing aesthetics of their skateboards, the air being disturbed of its natural peace as the teens pierced through it...

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Speeding to the end where they both met up head to head the teens pass the area due to momentum still built in the wheels of the pleasing aesthetics of their skateboards, the air being disturbed of its natural peace as the teens pierced through it reaching the finish line.

"I WON!" [Name] says in triumph, out of breath, shoulders rising up and down at a fast pace as their uneven breathing pattern was evident on the teen.

"LAIR! I WON!" The boy says, equally out of breath, eyes closed pointing at the other teen in distress, his voice going high pitched again.

Due to the nature of both the teen's personalities, they spent a while arguing. Before concluding.... nothing.... the teens simply sat down on the bench [Name] had been spacing out in, taking a break from the tiring race they had.

[Name] sat there taking a breath as they looked at the pretty scenery of the ocean as the trees created a curtain-shaped gap allowing to get a good view of the ocean as the sun had seemed to be going slightly down making a nice pink hue in the sky.

"You are a good racer and, 1. I should have proved I am Soul by now, 2. That was one of the best races I have had in a while you don't see many kids our age with such talent." [Name] rambled with a pout looking at the view while Miya seemed to stay silent beside them. [Name] looks at their wrist at the slightly light-up watch as it reads 6:30 PM.

"At least you proved you don't suck, finally someone that can at least match me, " The boy says suddenly, pride scribbled all over his words and a tinge of awkwardness in his speech. [Name] chuckles at the stubborn attitude of the boy as it caught the other teen slightly off guard. 

The pair sitting on the bench seemed tired as fatigue laced their speech most slightly, silence overcoming the two for a while. "What are you doing in Japan anyways?" Miya questions energy coming back to him slightly while taking something out from his backpack. "Something came up so I moved over here with my uncle." [Name] replies not wanting to go into it.

Finishing up typing something [Name] clicks the send button. Casually getting out thei-

 *Muffled Twitter Notification Noise*

Paying no mind the teen continues to dig around their bag to find their headphones.

"Do you know what "S" is?" Miya suddenly asks. "Like the letter?" [Name] questions in confusion head slightly tilting to the side. "No you slime, I am surprised you don't know!" He says looking at [Name] beside him in shock. 

"It's a 'secret' racing event where people go to race at an abandoned mine with no rules." He says going back to his game in a casual voice. "OHHH YEAH.." The teen says remembering seeing it on Twitter quite frequently. "Isn't it illegal or something?" The teen asks rethinking the structure of the whole event.

"They never really can catch us all as there are way too many people there." He says again in his concerningly casual tone, not realizing the impact it was having on the teen next to him.

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