vacation (part 2)

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"i can't make you cum in this weird bathroom. you'll have to wait 15 hours until we get to the hotel." katya grinned.

"i hate you." trixie groaned.

"like i said before, you always love me."


they finally arrived at the hotel in florida fiveteen hours later. it was around 1am and everybody was exhausted. they dragged all their luggage out of the car and staggered into the lobby of the hotel. val checked everyone in and they all went into the elevator. trixie almost fell asleep standing up. she snapped out of it when katya nudged her with her elbow. the elevator stopped on the second floor and everyone got out. val unlocked the hotel door and everyone shuffled in behind.

"there's only four bedrooms, so do you and katya wanna share a room? you guys don't have to if you think it'll be weird." val said.

"of course we'll share. i don't have a problem with it. do you?" trixie asked as she turned to smirk at katya.

"no problem at all." katya said, trying to make it seem like she wasn't madly in love with this woman.

"alright, goodnight everyone!" val said as she walked into a random bedroom.

dan and mike separated into the two other bedrooms. trixie and katya were left with the remaining one. they grabbed their suitcases and walked into the last bedroom and shut and locked the door. they set their bags by the door and plopped onto the bed, not bothering to change their clothes.

"this is a really nice and expensive hotel. how did your mom pay for this?" katya asked, trying not to sound rude.

"she's been saving up for awhile. my brothers and i also chipped in some money to help pay." trixie responded and she turned her head to look at her lover.

"trixie, you should've told me. i would've helped too!" katya whined with a frown.

"no, it's okay. it's not your responsibility. you're just my 'best friend' on a family vacation with me." trixie said with air quotes around the words 'best friend.' katya playfully rolled her eyes.

"you are more than my best friend." katya said in a low tone as she wrapped her arm around trixie's midsection and pulled her in closer. they were now laying on their sides facing each other.

"oh yeah?"

"yes, trixie. you are my best friend, my soulmate, my one and only love. i love you so much. i always have." katya whispered as a tear of joy appeared in her eye.

trixie smiled and pushed katya's hair behind her ear. she gently wiped katya's tear away with her thumb.

"don't cry, angel. i love you more, baby." trixie whispered.

she leaned in and passionately kissed katya. both their hands were quickly tangled in each other's hair, the passion quickly escalating to lust. their legs tangled together and they couldn't get enough of each other. trixie gently bit katya's bottom lip and their tongues met. katya moaned into the kiss and reached behind trixie to grab her ass. trixie moaned and started grinding her hips forward into katya. they kept kissing and katya trailed her hand down trixie's body to firmly press down on her clothed clit. trixie whined and moved her hips to grind against katya's fingers.

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