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Lillith pulled on another pair of sweat pants and laced up her combat boots. She tiptoed quietly down the hallway So she didn't wake up Donna or Barry. She, Emelio, and Kira were going out in the dead of night to get some supplies from the sleeping residents. In other words, they were stealing from them. She sighed, and leaned impatiently on the door. She was waiting for Emelio to wake up Kira, and get her downstairs.
"Took you long enough!" she exclaimed once they were both downstairs.
"Yah yah," Kira sassed, " we get it. You're fast, I'm slow. You're nice, I'm...mmpphh!"
She never got to finish her sentence, as Lillith shoved her hand over Kira's mouth and gave her a pointed glare. She opened her mouth to say something again, but Emelio interrupted.
" Alright ladies, break it up please. We all know I'm the prettiest of all so you can stop arguing."
Kira laughed at this and punched Lillith in the shoulder before racing out the door. Lillith just rolled her eyes, and followed Emelio out the door.

The three of them jogged through the desert relatively quietly, with the occasional thump followed by a muffled curse. When they finally reached the city, they all flipped their hoods up, and slowed their pace to a walk. They has a system for thieving in the city. One would choose the neighborhood and house. That person would be the lookout for the night. The other two would pick the lock, fill a large sack with food, and leave. They didn't have to worry about figuring out the layout of the house because all houses in The City were exactly The same.

Tonight, the lookout was Kira. She hated the job she had. She would rather be with the other person inside the home, hidden away. Instead, she would be stuck outside in the dark, the houses looming over her intimidatingly. Making her feel small, helpless, and exposed. Oh well she thought to herself as she sat down. Emelio had the lock picked and her sister and him were inside so she was alone. She sat on the stairs once she knew there was no intamite danger. Kira scanned the perfectly manacured houses and lawns, and thought about how disgustingly similar all of the houses were.

She soon became lost in the thoughts of what sort of food they were going to have once they were done, when she noticed a shadow move slightly to the right of her. She paused, and turned her head to the spot where she thought something had moved. Nothing moved again, so she dismissed it as a figment of her imagination. She moved back to her original spot, and resumed her previous train of thought. Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind, and a piece of foul smelling cloth was forced under her nose! Before she had the chance to scram for help, a large hand was clapped over her mouth. She struggled against her captor, but his strength was too much for her, and the drugs on the cloth were slowly starting to make her strength ebb away. She started to slide to the ground, unable to support her weight any longer. Her limbs felt like lead, and black spots danced before her eyes. Soon, the spots filled her vision, and she blacked out.

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