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Lillith finished putting the last of the food in the sack, and deftly tied it shut. Even though this food would feed them for a week or so, it wouldn't be long until they were back for more. She sighed, and hefted the bag over her shoulder tapping Emelio's shoulder to tell him it was time to go.
The pair crept silently down the hallway, and slipped out the door, locking it behind them. 
"Good night tonight."  said Lillith once they had walked down the steps. 
"Ya," Emelio responded, "I think we got enough to satisfy even your massive appetite Kira!"
He laughed, and Lillith quickly joined in.  Their laughter slowly died away as they realized the absence of a third presence.
"Kira?" Lillith asked loudly, starting to panic.  "This isn't funny Kira let's go!"
Emilio and Lillith glanced at each other hurridly and started to look around the houses for the missing girl. They combed the entire neighborhood, and didn't come up with anything, or anyone. At all. Lillith started to hyperventalaye, "Oh my god. Kira! No. This is all my fault! KIRA! WHERE ARE YOU? KIR-"
She was abruptly stopped by a hand shooting out from behind her, and muffleing her frantic screams. 
"Keep it down would you?!" Emelio hissed in her ear, "We are in the middle of a neighborhood that we aren't alowed in.  Keep it down."
"I would keep it down if my little sister was here,"  Lillith said in a angry tone that adults would quiver at, "but my LITTLE SISTER happens to be missing!" she glared at Emelio.
He accepted her withering glare with a cool glance. "We aren't going to get anywhere if we keep arguing." he said calmly, "If we go back home and stratagize, we will have a greater chance of getting her back than arguing."
Lillith sighed, but knew this argument rang true, and reluctantly agreed to head home.
The pair started to jog back through the desert, and twords home.

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