Chapter 10

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**TRIGGER WARNING** Suicidal Actions and Suggested Abuse

A chorus of loud voices brought Rainpaw out of a peaceful slumber. She yawned, squinting as her eyes got used to the sunlight creeping through the den entrance. The voices got louder and Rainpaw groaned. There was no way she'd be able to go back to sleep with the ruckus. Besides, maybe something interesting was happening! Eventually, curiosity won her over, and she gave her ruffled pelt a few quick licks before leaving the den.

The camp clearing was full of cats. Many of Rainpaw's clanmates were huddled together, whispering. The tortoiseshell pushed her way through the crowd to see three EagleClan cats waiting at the camp entrance. Rainpaw recognized the small tabby and white she-cat as Maplefrost, their medicine cat. She was accompanied by two toms. One was a cream tabby with thin brown stripes and the other was a huge, dark gray tom. Rainpaw was about to ask one of her clanmates what was going on when she spotted a fourth EagleClan cat talking to Skypaw. 

The black and white tom's unusual features were hard to miss. Half of his face was entirely black, split exactly down the middle of his nose. He had one eye that was yellow and one that was a cold, icy blue. As if he knew she was staring, he turned and met her gaze, narrowing his eyes as he did so. Rainpaw quickly looked away, pelt burning. She felt his gaze linger on her for a moment longer before he returned his attention to Skypaw.

"What's going on?"

Rainpaw's head shot up as Snowstar's white pelt flashed into view. The white she-cat padded straight over to Splitgaze, tail twitching. Smokepelt and Otterfoot were right behind her. The black and white tom flashed the SnowClan leader a crooked grin that was oddly similar to Skypaw's. "Ah, Snowstar. Glad you could finally make it. We were freezing our tails off out here." Snowstar curled her lip at his sarcasm. "What do you want, Splitgaze? I don't appreciate cats from other clans just waltzing into my camp like it's their own. I don't have all day to listen to your mousebrained comments!" Rainpaw finally recognized him. Of course! The Gathering! That's where I've seen him before! He's the EagleClan deputy!

Splitgaze's bi-colored eyes flashed in irritation at her tone, though he kept his overly enthusiastic grin. "Alright," he mewed with a sigh, "If formalities are what you want, then I'll oblige. Although I was really hoping we could have a little friendly banter before getting to the news. How unfortunate. Anyways, Wildstar is dead." A stunned silence spread over the cats like wildfire.

Rainpaw's stomach flipped anxiously. I didn't know he was on his last life! Also, that announcement was a bit nonchalant... All eyes shifted to Snowstar, who was frozen in shock. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Splitgaze continued staring at the SnowClan leader expectantly. After a few moments, the white she-cat cleared her throat. "I am very... um... sorry to hear that," she mewed stiffly, "Um, I'm sure you'll be a wonderful leader as well. But if you'll excuse me, I have some things to return to. Smokepelt will continue in my stead." Otterfoot padded up next to her and let her lean on his shoulder, slowly leading the white she-cat back to her den. As they passed, Rainpaw could see that Snowstar's eyes were blue pools of sadness. What was that about?

Splitgaze narrowed his eyes. "What's up with her?" Smokepelt shrugged. "She and Wildstar were friends for a long time. It's the biggest reason there's been peace between our clans for so long. She'll be fine." Splitgaze scoffed. "Cats from different clans can't be friends. It doesn't work that way." Smokepelt twitched his tail. "Whatever, it's not important," he mewed, trying to move on from talking about Snowstar, "But if you don't mind my asking, what happened to him?"

The new EagleClan leader shrugged. "It was very sudden. There was a skirmish at the border with OakClan and he was killed in the fray." Splitgaze gestured to his companions. "Thornstripe and Wolfstorm are escorting me to get my nine lives. Maplefrost is my medicine cat." Smokepelt dipped his head curtly. "Well, we wish you safe travels. Was there anything else you needed?" Splitgaze nodded. "Actually yes. You see, one of my sons has been healing from a leg injury in your camp and we were hoping to bring him back home where he belongs." He gestured to Skypaw and the gray tom padded over. Wait, he's Splitgaze's son? Skypaw never mentioned that! Splitgaze bent his head to whisper something in Skypaw's ear and his son nodded in reply. Unfortunately, Rainpaw couldn't make out what was said. 

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