Night of Fire

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12:30 am. August 26th

Glynn sighed as he sat in a station yard. Across from him in a nearby siding sat his two coaches, truck of coal, and tanker which creaked in the cold wind which blew a mist across the island. Nearby a coach had been thrown off the rails and was smashed to peices, it's eyes had essentially been scraped off and its mouth open to scream leaving it as a dark void in the dull moon light. Glynn could bare looking at the coach so he kept his attention towards the mainland, the cold rails reflecting what little moonlight there was. Glynn felt like he was going to fall asleep when he heard the sound of steam in the distance, looking down the mainline he noticed steam coming up from over the trees...and a distant screaming. As the sounds got closer Glynn prepared for anything, whincing at the loud noise, even his crew which was previously asleep in the coaches woke up and stuck their heads out the windows. His fireman's long blond hair blowing in the increasingly powerful wind. Glynn began to smell smoke when he noticed a orange glow coming from the forest, the screaming getting louder and louder. "What...what in the hell is that?" Glynn's driver asked, covering his ears as the screaming got a unbearable level. The orange glow getting brighter and brighter until Neville shot out of the forest screaming and blaring his whistle as loud as he could as he shot past. The coaches he was pulling were completely covered in flames that seemingly reached the sky. And just as quickly as he showed up, Neville disappeared around a bed, screaming loudly as him and his flaming train disappeared into the darkness. Leaving Glynn and his crew in complete shock, quickly Neville's driver radioed in to tell everyone about Neville which also warned everyone to stay off the tracks, unsure where Neville was going. So his driver made a suggestion "us and Glynn will follow Neville and hopefully find him, but at this point I kinda doubt it" he said before shutting off the radio and getting Glynn hooked up to his train before steaming quickly out onto the mainline, and after Neville.

1:12am. August 26th

Glynn felt tired as he raced down the line, he was an old engine, and wasn't built for these kinds of things. He tried to take his mind off his exhaustion by looking around, but that wasn't necessarily a good idea. The tracks and ground were covered with ash, and smoke still hung in the air, making it harder to breath. His crew having to use their shirts to filter some of the air and having to lay down in the cab so they would have a easier time breathing. Glynn really didn't like this, this flood, chasing a burning train, it brought up too many repressed memories that he wanted to forget. The farther he puffed, the more and more smoke and ash coated the ground, some trees were even smoldering...but they didn't notice it. Glynn pumped his pistons as fast as he could, rocketing down the line faster then he ever had, until he noticed something in the distance, in a nearby pond one of the trucks had derailed and crashed into it, putting out the flames. Racing up beside it Glynn and his crew were relieved to see that it was only one coach and kept going. They could already tell the people in that coach were long gone.

1:53am. August 26th

As they went farther down the line, the smell of burning wood got stronger, and stronger. Soon Glynn puffed into a old factory, a old...cement factory and when he rounded the corner he saw the flaming remains of the coaches...and heard Neville screaming. "Get out of my cab! Now!" Glynn yelled at his crew and they leaped out as Glynn rushed up and slammed into the rear flaming coach. His crew ran up and hooked him up and with a large pull, he snapped the coupling between the coaches and Neville. Racing backwards Glynn felt the heat of the flaming coach start to burn his face but once he got far enough back he slammed on the brakes "hit the points! Now!" Glynn screamed as his crew ran to a set of points and threw them into a empty siding. Glynn was then unhooked from the flaming coaches and surged foward, pushing the coaches through into the siding and through the buffers, crashing into a stone wall. Everything was quiet for a few moments, no one dared to speak, no one dared to move, it was just...quiet...with the crackling of flames coming from the coaches...that was until Neville began to cry. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Neville cried out, backing out of the covering he was in. His tender and cab was covered in ash and burn marks, the top of his boiler showed burn marks as well, seemingly from sparks that came from his funnel, and his face was covered in soot. "It's no problem" Glynn smiled, although his front end and face burned alot, heat burns covered it and his crew tried their best to patch him up. Both engines were exhausted so they were shunted under a water tower and coal hopper to fill up and take a breather, and once they were filled up the crews used the water tower to help cool off burns and wash off all the ash. As they did so Neville began to tell his story, apparently after he left the station he went off to hide in the mountains where Whiff had hidden. After the flood had died down Neville went to find people, despite him filling ill which lead to sparks flying out his funnel and lighting his train ablaze, luckily the people who were on the train managed to get to the rear coaches and disconnect them from the flaming train, but now that meant there were random coaches out in the middle of the mainline somewhere. So Glynn's crew sent a warning out to find them before they sighed and rested against their engine. "Come on, let's get some rest, Neville sleep where you want, I am going to-" Glynn was cut off by the sounds of grumbling coming from a nearby wooden shed. Glancing at eachother for a moment before turning back to the shed, the crews went over towards the shed and tried to open the rusty door...but it was jammed. "Hey anyone of you engines wanna help us rip this door off?" Glynn's fireman called out and Neville backed up so they could switch him onto the track. Soon he was tied to the door with some rope, and Neville began backing up, and with ease the door came flying off and onto the tracks to reveal a familiar face. Sitting there, in the shed, with rust coating some parts of him...was Fergus.

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