The Broken Harbour

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7:15 pm. August 19th

Glynn and the others had been resting at Knapford for a while now, alot of them were lacking their energy, but Henry was probably in the worst state. The big green engine had been running himself ragged to deliver all of the supplies around the island, and everyone had taken notice to this. So they tried to tell stories to pass the time, "so after me and my crew ran past James, I raced into the coaling lift and in a last ditch effort, raised myself above the water, Glynn and Henry found my crew trying to lower me down with the rusty mechanism" Duck explained and James and the two coaches had a shocked look on their faces. "Now that's just lucky, and you managed to make it out unscathed?" James asked and Duck sighed. "Sadly no, some railings had broken off and my wheels hurt like hell after being held up at an angle for so long" Duck explained before their crews ran out of the station waving a tablet around. "Guys guys! We found something!" Henry's driver said before showing the tablet, many of the engines had to squint to even see it so he paused and sighed. "Okay, this is video recordings we managed to get from the station's cameras, from the recordings it shows that on the day of the incident Neville was parked here when the sirens went off" he said and James perked up. "Oh yeah he was...wait what happened to him?" James asked, worry coming from his voice and the crew shrugged. "Looks here he had a train of box vans, and some of the old mail vans, a goods train of some sort, he seemed to have raced off after you James but got sent down a different line, but that's not all" he said as he skipped ahead in the video. "It seems like yesterday night the water was low enough for engines to use the tracks, and two engines did infact use them" he said and looked up at the engines. "At midnight last night BoCo rolled through the station, an hour later Harvey followed through, neither of the engines are shown leaving through any camera" he said and the engines went wide eyed. "They must be at the harbour!" Duck exclaimed and the crews nod. "Alright, Glynn and Duck will head to the harbour and try to find them, the rest of you stay here till Dennis shows up" and before anyone could speak up, the two engines steamed off in the hopes to find the two engines.

7:40 pm. August 19th

The harbour was a complete mess, some ships had been thrown out to sea, some were flipped upside down, and many of the cranes were damaged. The two engines made sure to stay far away from the cranes as they searched the area, and before long Glynn noticed something red, and something green. "Harvey! BoCo!" Glynn called as he raced over, but once he heard crying he slowed to a crawl. " two okay?" He asked, noticing BoCo was hooked up to Harvey's wrench, and as he got close enough he froze, his face growing pale. "DUCK! DUCK GET OVER HERE!!" Glynn yelled and pannier tank engine raced over before gasping. Because standing there, attached to a crying BoCo, was the lifeless corpse of Harvey, if you could even call it that. His boiler had been blown open, his crane was barely standing and nothing remained of their friend besides the broken remains of him. "BoCo what....what happened?" Duck asked and the big diesel sniffed, he was quiet for a moment before speaking. "I...I wanted to make sure everyone was alright, I...wanted to find Edward and the I told Harvey I was planning on checking out the island. It was still underwater partly and I couldn't see how the points were set and ended up here at the harbour where I derailed and almost fell in the water." BoCo said as he sniffed and tears dripped down his face. "Harvey showed up not long after me and tried to pull me out...but something was wrong, he had sprung a leak in his water tank and didn't know, when we realized I told them to drop the fire but...Harvey wouldn't let them. If he did, I would have probably fallen off the he kept going. The heat was getting so bad that his eyes began to melt, I told them to drop his fire again and again but Harvey wouldn't let them. He then told me that I was the hero of the railway now...and right as I was put on the rails again...he exploded...killing him instantly, his crew survived but...ran away" BoCo said softly and the two engines looked at the big diesel, and then Harvey, and Glynn sighed. "I know how it feels to loose someone close to you" he said softly before hooking up to BoCo and pulled him away from the dead body, Duck following after, falling quiet as they made their way back to the station.

8:05 pm. August 19th

Once they got back to the station the engines there became excited to see BoCo was alright, but when they saw his face and the lack of Harvey, it didn't take long for them to peice together the basic idea of what had happened.

8:12 pm. August 19th

Soon Dennis arrived, red in the face as he caught his breath and backed down beside Duck. "Sorry I took so long, had some engine trouble" Dennis explained, but really the engines didn't care and got immediately to planning. "Alright, me James and BoCo...if he's up for it, we will run between here and the mainland to get supplies and support, Duck Glynn and Dennis will run down Thomas's branch in the morning to see if they can find anyone, the smaller engines will take Annie and Clarabel, is that cool with you all?" Henry asked and all the engines agreed, even BoCo who wanted to be the hero that Harvey saw in him. "Right, us three will head out now, you lot get some rest" Henry said as James shunted the coaches into a siding and they puffed away, each engine taking some of Henry's train so it would be less stress on the big engine. However, once they were out of sight, Glynn saw something race down the line after them, it was only a blur, but he could make out a blue engine with some kinda weird truck behind him with a large water tank, and a purple saddle tank. " can't be...can it?"

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