James's Fury

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Toby sat at a station with a few coaches and a van, watching the mainline closely as his driver stood on the platform with his radio and a watch. The distant sounds of a steam engine and diesel filled the air "wait that can't be them...can it?" Toby's driver said as he looked down at his watch and went wide eyed. "If it is then...they will be 30 seconds faster then the-" he was cut off by James and Old Stuck Up shooting past. James was yelling loudly, his eyes filled with fury as smoke shot from his nose and mouth. His side rods were a complete blur, and his paint was covered in smoke and ash, it almost looked like he was on fire, but he wasn't. Several of the trucks at the back were flung off the rails at the turn, and some coal flew out of James's tender. "GET BACK HERE!!" James yelled and Old Stuck Up screamed in fear as the two disappeared around another corner, it seemed neither of them had spotted Toby, and the tram and his crew were just frozen in shock. Watching where they once were, before the driver shook his head and held up the radio.

James's crew screamed as they held onto the bars in their engines cab. The radio began to go off as they heard voices through it. "Sir, James just passed and I think you should know this" came the voice of Toby's driver. James kept picking up speed, going quiet but they could smell his bearings starting to over heat as smoke floated up from his wheels. "You gotta be kidding me!" Came a familiar voice from the radio "I'm not sir! At this rate James is gonna beat the expresses record across the island!" Toby's driver exclaimed and they heard the Fat Controller gulp. James's crew tried to stop their engine, trying to push against the accelerator to shut it off, but it wasn't working. Their engine kept fighting back he just kept getting faster, steam and air whistled off of him as his wheels thundered on the rails. James kept going faster and faster and they heard the wheels of some trucks shatter apart and then fly off the tracks. The windows in James's cab shattered from his sheer speed, and the cab threw the two around as they desperately held onto their engine. "James! Slow down! Your gonna tear yourself apart!" James's fireman yelled as James gritted his teeth. "I'm sorry Mike! But I can't let that bastard cause any more harm!" James yelled back and suddenly something in James's accelerator broke...but then something weird began to happen. It began to go farther than before, and James's wheels went faster and faster. "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" James's fireman yelled as James pulled alongside the diesel who had a terrified look on his face. He screamed as James got closer and closer, it was clear he expected the red engine to bump him...but he didn't. James shot past so fast that some of his coal flew out and struck the diesel, angering it. And all the crew could do was hang on for their lives.

James rapidly picked up speed as he shot past the diesel, he felt himself starting to run low on steam, but didn't care. He went faster and faster, his wheels hurt, his bearings burned...but for some reason his boiler felt perfectly fine that and his frames...atleast besides the ones for his front wheels which felt like they were snapping apart. He heard the diesel yell, but he didn't care what he said, Old Stuck Up was gonna be left in the dust, and he didn't care what happened to himself to make that happen. James felt like his wheels were gonna catch fire, and he kept glancing backwards to see where the diesel was, when he noticed that it was paying attention souly to him, and charging foward trying to slam into him again. "HOW ABOUT WE END THIS WITH A DOUBLE CRASH?!" Old Stuck Up laughed as they got closer to a bend...and James smirked. His throttle slammed all the way down and with that last burst of speed he managed to avoid being hit, the truck right behind him being struck and a hole busted in it. However Old Stuck Up wasn't so lucky, he felt his wheels being dragged to the left and before he realized it he was sent directly at an old shed. Slamming on his brakes did almost nothing to slow him down and he smashed through, the splintering wood cut up his face badly as his back erupted into flames as he skidded to a stop in the dirt. The diesel felt everything slow down and grow quiet as the flames burned against him, growing more and more intense as oil filled his eyes. The memories of their manager yelling and screaming at him, threatening to scrap him because he was more useless then a steam engine filled his mind. Even though he was in pain, the diesel smiled, and chuckled as he sniffed, the smell of his body burning overwhelming his senses....but he didn't care. "James...you truly are a splendid engine" he said softly, knowing the red engine was too far away to hear him now. He was alone...alone to deal with the consequences of his actions...his undeserved hatred towards steam engines...his rudeness towards the engines who dealt with him. "Heh....ironic 10751 was right..." he muttered as he looked down at the dirt. "I really did end up as a burning memory..." he muttered and closed his eyes as he accepted his fate...that was until he suddenly felt cold and wet as water shot all over him and put out the fire. "Huh what the?" He said and looked over to see Henry and Gordon with water hoses coming out their tenders. "You two?" Old Stuck Up asked weakly and Henry looked down at him "you alright?" Henry asked and the diesel looked up in shock before looking back down. "My front is completely messed up, my engine is broken, I'm burned badly and my frames are twisted" he said softly and Gordon looked at him. "Come on, we will take you to our works it's faster then taking you to the mainland works" Gordon said and Old Stuck Up looked at him in shock. "I...don't owe you that, I-" "oh stop being proper, yes your a jerk but you are in bad shape and anywhere else you would be scrapped" Henry interrupted and looked at Gordon who puffed off and soon returned with a crane and flatbed. After a moment the diesel was placed on the flatbed and taken away, the diesel blacking out, and the radio in the steam engines's cabs said how James broke the record and was on the mainland now and was slowing down. But before he could hear the rest, Old Stuck Up blacked out.

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