Help from the Mainland

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10:30 am. August 20th

Glynn woke up to warmth filling his boiler. The air was cold and misty, clouds hung in the sky as the soft tapping of rain could be heard on the station roof. "Ergh...morning" Duck yawned and shivered as he woke up and blinked a few times to help clean up his vision. Looking back they could see Dennis was still fast asleep, and they looked over at his crew which were carefully studying their engine. "Old boy has been running himself ragged" they muttered and Glynn thought for a moment. "Duck, you and your crew stay here with Dennis, he needs rest and you will take longer to get steam up than me, I'll take Annie and Clarabel and look down the line" Glynn said and Duck looked back before smiling. "Good luck old timer, you will probably need it" he said as he watched Glynn slowly puff up and hook up to the two coaches, having them hooked up behind his other train, and set off town Thomas's branch.

10:53 am. August 20th

Glynn was making a good pace down the branchline, passing empty stations and he noticed the remains of oil on the tracks. He then noticed some trucks in the far distance, as he got closer he saw they were covered in rust and some were broken...but from the looks of things, it seemed like these trucks had broken away from a train. Glynn slowly crept past them, the trucks that were still alive groaned and grumbled in pain, one looked towards them and let out a soft "h-help" and Glynn stopped and sighed. Rolling back, Glynn unhooked from his train and took the remaining trucks that he could and connected them to the back of his train. The truck which had spoken before looked at Glynn with tears in his eyes and whispered a "t-thank you, sir" before falling quiet and Glynn smiled. "No problem youngster, come on, we are gonna head down the line" he said softly and the truck watched Glynn puff back to the front of the train and the little engine had to drop sand on the rails to get going. Unlike most engines Glynn is rather weak, mainly due to his age, making him to too good for longer trains like this, but he forced himself on, dirty water shooting out his funnel every once in a while. It took a while, but soon Glynn saw more trucks that were littered around the tracks, but that wasn't what caught his attention. Because sitting on a small truck raft that had once been used to transport trucks over the water, was an engine with a short stumpy funnel, and a short stumpy dome.

11:16 am. August 20th

It took a while to get Thomas back on the tracks, and once he was everyone was excited. Thomas was really happy to see his coaches were okay, and seeing Glynn just made him giddy. It actually took a while to calm the blue engine down, and even longer for them to explain what has happened so far. Thomas of course got super worried for Percy and Emily who we knew next to nothing about and worried about the many other engines on the railway but they managed to calm him down sooner rather than later. Once Thomas was steamed up he was hooked up infront of Glynn and they set off down the line, hoping to reach the quarry, both worried about what could have happened to Mavis, and hoping to find Daisy along the way.

11:39 am. August 20th

Apon reaching the quarry the two engines were surprised to see Daisy and Mavis sitting in a cave entrance, and from the looks of her it seemed the workers were using Daisy as a temporary home. After the excitement died down the engines began telling their story, Daisy was sitting at the station closest to the quarry when the sirens went off, in a panic she was sent flying backwards, and damaging her fuel pump as she raced down the line. Eventually she ran out of fuel and Mavis has been towing her around the branch and using Daisy as a coach. Of course this annoyed the railcar immensely, complaining about how she was 'better then the old shabby coach' was one of the first things she said when they got their, immediately starting an argument between her and Annie and Clarabel. Of course the engines tried to calm the arguing down as Glynn's driver radioed the others to tell them the news, however as he talked to them he went wide eyed and threw his hands into the air "wahoo!! The mainland has sent help!"

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