Chapter 16

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Eden's P.O.V.

The morning after Ean was born, I video call Alexis to tell her and Karter about Ean's birth, after my boss to let him know of Ean's birth, so he knows that I will be off for the next two months.

On the third ring, Alexis answers with a confused expression; "Hey E, what is up? Why are you at work?"

"Hi Alexis, you right, I am at work, and I want you to meet someone special," I greet with a grin as I move the phone, so she can see Ean in my left arm. "Say hello to Ean."

"Hi Ean, hi baby E," Alexis coos with a tearful smile. "When did you have him? Why didn't you call me?"

"I had him last night at 8:05, and I didn't call you because you and Karter were at your concert. I did not want to bother you guys," I answer, plus they were/are three hours away from home.

"I am sorry I missed his birth, and that I was not there for you," she quickly apologizes, and before I can respond, she continues. "I should not have gone to this concert so close to your due date. I feel horrible you did this alone."

"I did not do this alone, Gage was here with me since he brought me to the hospital, and was kind enough to stay," I answer, hoping she is not mad that he was here with me instead of her.

"I am glad he was there for you and Ean," she says with a sniffle. "We are heading to you in a few minutes, and we will be there by noon," she says looking at the time on the corner of her phone. "Do you and Gage want me to pick something up for lunch?"

Glancing at Gage, he nods as he shows me what he has typed on his phone what he would like, and I relay that to Alexis, and I have her get me the same - a veggie burger with fries.

"Thanks Alexis, even though you do not have to do either," I tell her as Ean starts fussing because he is hungry, and probably has a wet diaper.

"I know, but I want to," she says with a grin. "See you boys in just over three hours."

"Bye Alexis," I say over Ean's whimpers.

Placing the phone on the bed next to me, I lift Ean to my chest once I have moved my hospital gown away from my left peck, so Ean can nurse. Watching him eat, I do not even care that Gage is there, and can see me do this. When Ean lets go, I place him against my shoulder to burp him, and wipe away the little bit of spit up off his mouth. I lie Ean in between my legs on the bed, so I can change his wet diaper, and clean him.

"Auntie Alexis and uncle Karter will be here in three hours to visit you, Ean," I coo at him as I clean him, and place a new diaper on him. "She might be a little goofy, but she is one of the best people ever."

Before I can throw away his old diaper, Gage has thrown it away for me. He squirts hand cleaner onto his hand and mine, and I thank him as I rub it into my hands before picking up a sleepy Ean. Humming 'Two of Us,' by Louis Tomlinson until Ean falls fast asleep. Leaning over, I gently lie Ean in the crib, and I cannot help the huge yawn as I sit upright.

"Why don't you take a nap until either Ean wakes, or Alexis arrives," Gage suggests sweetly. "I will keep an eye on Ean."

"I cannot do that to you, you have not slept much either," I say with a yawn behind my left hand.

"I slept far more than you, and I was not the one who gave birth to Ean just thirteen hours ago, so I would appreciate it if you would take a rest," he argues with a grin that turns into a pout to get his way.

"Thanks, Gage," I mumble as I lie down, and get comfortable, and I am asleep within seconds.

"Eden, Alexis and Karter are here, and Ean is hungry," Gage's soothing voice breaks through my sleep filled brain, waking me up.

Groggily sitting up, I take Ean from Gage to feed him, and Gage tells me has changed Ean's dirty diaper. That is when it registers into my groggy mind that Alexis and Karter are here.

Snapping my eyes to my right, I find both of them sitting on chairs; "Hi!"

"Hey," they greet back with grins, and they tell me they think Ean is beautiful, and I thank them for that compliment.

"I hope you are hungry just like Ean is," Alexis chuckles as she places the food from the bag on the table next to me as I burp Ean when he finishes feeding.

"I am extremely hungry," I answer with a chuckle as she holds her hands out toward us for me to give her Ean.

Carefully handing my son over to my boyfriend, so she can hold him in her arms, and coo down at him, how beautiful he is. She intently studies Ean's face as she speaks softly to him for several seconds before she looks at me with teary eyes; "He looks identical to you, E."

"I hope so," I sniffle with my own teary eyes.

Ean looking at Patrick has been my fear, but even if he did, or does when he grows, I will still love my son because he is my baby.

"I will still love him no matter what though," I tell him with a fond smile at my son fondly.

"When do you and Baby E get to leave?" Karter asks with a fond smile at Ean as he gently brushes his hand lightly over Ean's pale green hat that is on his head.

"Either tonight or tomorrow morning," I tell him with a tired smile at them. "As soon as they run the last round of tests on Ean, and as long as he passes, then we will get to leave for home."

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