Chapter 6

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Eden's P.O.V.

Gage will be here tomorrow morning to paint Ean's nursery for me which I cannot begin to express my gratitude for. We have been texting each other daily, but our schedules have not been able to align for us to hang out since the day we went to lunch.

'Hey Eden, are we still on for tomorrow morning?' Gage texts as I sit on my couch eating take out dinner from the local Japanese restaurant, and I have been watching the Disney movie 'Ratatouille'.

Texting Gage back with a grin; 'Yup! You are gonna be here at 9 a.m., right?'

He answers almost instantly; 'Yeah, I will be there at that time. I need you to text me your address. Oh, what would you like for breakfast in the morning?'

Quickly texting him my address as I try to decide what I would like for breakfast, and I finally decide, and ask him if we can have breakfast sandwiches from 'Smoke on the Water Cafe' that is near the hospital.

'Of course, that cafe is on my way to your place,' he agrees with a winky emoji at the end.

Giggling at his use of a winky emoji, and we continue to text on and off through the movie as he texts; 'What are you doing besides talking with me? Have you had dinner yet?'

Giggling at this, I answer him; 'I am eating dinner, and watching 'Ratatouille'. What about you?'

'What are you eating? I have never seen that movie. I am visiting mum along with Marie,' he sends back.

'Please tell your mum I say 'hello,' and how is she feeling today? I am eating Japanese, and 'Ratatouille' is an excellent movie!' I reply, worrying about her even though she is getting better every day.

'She says 'hello' back, and that she is feeling good, and to stop worrying about her on your day off. Perhaps we should watch that movie together one day, and Japanese is yummy!' he replies after a few minutes.

Smiling at the answer from his mother, I cannot help but worry about her and all my patients while I am at work, but especially when I am not at the hospital; 'I cannot help but worry.'

Standing from the couch with a loud sigh, I make my way into the kitchen with my empty container and phone to throw away the empty container and fill a glass with cold water after turning off the television before heading to Ean's nursery. Standing in the middle of the room, I let out another sigh as I am impatient to have my son here, but I am also not ready yet either. I have no idea how I am gonna raise Ean on my own, and I am scared of messing up.

I am thankful Gage has offered to paint this room for me, and my plan is for now that I am gonna to put together the furniture on Sunday. Once I have the furniture done, I can then put together his room with the items I have. I just hope I have everything he needs and together before Ean arrives.

Exiting his room, I decide to take a shower after checking my phone since it is on silent to see if I have any texts from Gage, Alexis, or Carter (he is Alexis' boyfriend, and my friend). No texts, so I make sure the front door is locked in my townhouse before going to my en-suite bathroom for a shower.

Cutting off the shower ten minutes later since the water is starting to turn cold. Stepping out of the shower tub, I dry off with a soft, fluffy towel, tossing the towel off the shower bar once I am dry, then later my body in lavender scented lotion. Once I am dressed in a long white shirt, loose black sweats, and black fuzzy socks, I leave the bathroom to climb under the covers of my bed. I plug my phone in, leaving it on my nightstand, and grab the book I have been reading for the last two days off the nightstand - 'Lover Awakened' by J.R. Ward, and she is one of my favorite authors.

Settling back against my pillow, my phone dings, and I grab it off the nightstand to answer Gage's text of him asking if we can video chat; 'Of course we can!'

Within seconds of my answer, my phone starts ringing with Gage's video call, which I answer with a grin, and when he comes onto the screen, he is grinning, too.

"Are you in bed?" he asks in lue of a greeting.

"Um, yeah," I admit with a small frown at his question. "Hi by the way."

"Hi, I am sorry," he replies, almost sheepishly. "Are you sure you wanna talk now?"

Grinning at him now, I nod; "Yeah. I am just bored, so I have showered, and was just gonna read until I go to sleep, but I would rather talk with you."

"Only if you are sure?" he cautiously asks with a tiny smile.

"I am sure," I assure him with a small nod. "What are you doing now?"

I sit up to adjust my position since Ean is kicking the hell out of me.

"I am home now, and waiting for a friend to come over for drinks here," he answers with an excited grin.

Frowning at him as I wonder out loud; "Then why are we chatting, not that I do not want to? Shouldn't you be getting ready for him or her to arrive?"

Now it is his turn to frown at me; "Nah, I am already dressed in what I am gonna wear. Also, the housekeeper came today, so the house is clean, and the chef came to cook dinner for us, and has just left."

"Oh, that sounds helpful," I answer, unsure how to really answer his statement that strikes me that he is doing very well for himself in life, which is good.

"I just realized how pretentious that sounded," he groans, rubbing his face with his right hand with a sheepish expression at me. "I did not mean for my answer to sound so stuck up."

Giving him a soft smile at him with a shrug of my shoulders; "Do not worry about it, Gage. You should be proud of your accomplishments in life, and not apologizing for what you have."

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