As the band finished up their set, Kali rested her hands against her knees trying to catch her breath "shit Kal, you okay?" Gareth jumped to her side, she gave him a thumbs up "maybe you should take it easy" Kali squinted her eyes and glanced over at him, "dude she's pregnant, not dying" Eddie laughed causing the rest of the group to burst out in laughter. Billy made his way over to his girl, resting his hand against her back as he ushered her over to a chair, he knelt down in front of her as she sat down, he grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to her "drink up princess" he smiled, Kali took the bottle from him and chugged it back. When she'd finished drinking she handed the bottle back to Billy, looking around to see that Gareth, Jeff and Eddie had also crouched down in front of her, all of them looking at her with concern, she smiled to them as she continued to catch her breath "Higgins is gonna eat his words" she laughed.

It was finally graduation day. The band had spent the last two days perfecting their set and then they all spent the night at the trailer, Billy included. As Kali and Billy got ready, the guys loaded everything into the van. Billy went up behind Kali as she sat at her vanity applying makeup and doing her hair, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed light kisses along her neck "well this is it princess, after this we're officially done with high school" Kali smiled at him through the mirror "and although we've both been working our asses off, I can't wait for our trip to California at the end of summer" Kali had been working at the local grocery store as well as saving up any money the band made from their gigs at the Hideout and Billy had been working at the local pool. They hadn't really seen much of each other but Billy always made sure that he came over after work and sometimes even spend the night. If it weren't for the fact that Max would be left to deal with their dad, he would've spent every night with Kali, Wayne had even offered for him to move in after he found out Kali was pregnant but he couldn't do that to Max, she might have been a little shit but he loved her all the same. Kali added the final touches to her makeup before standing up and straightening out her outfit, she quickly grabbed her graduation gown and threw it over her shoulder as the couple made their way out to her impala "okay so, Billy and I will meet you guys backstage after we get our diplomas to help finish setting everything up" Kali spoke to the boys as she climbed into the drivers seat, they all nodded in response "we'll be cheering for you both when you walk that stage" Eddie said as he pulled her in for a quick hug, he was disappointed that he wouldn't be walking the stage with them but he was so proud of Kali. After everything she had been through over the years, she was finally happy and one step closer to getting out of this shithole town.

Kali was sat a few rows back from Billy, she couldn't help but smile as she watched him step towards the stage, "William Hargrove" Higgins announced causing Billy to roll his eyes, a loud roar of cheers erupted from the crowd as he made his way over the stage, grabbing his diploma from the Principal before throwing his fists in the air, his eyes landed on Kali and he blew her a kiss before walking down the stairs on the opposite side of the stage, Kali blushed as she watched him walk to the side of the stage. Next up was Kali's group, she made her way over to the stage and rested one foot against the staircase "Kali O'Donnell" another roar of cheers erupted from the crowd as she grabbed her diploma, she saw Gareth, Eddie and Jeff all stood backstage cheering and clapping for her, as she made her way over to Billy. He met her back on the stage and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he spun her around, the crowd cheering and whistling as they shared a kiss before running backstage to join the rest of the band. Eddie pulled her in for a hug "I'm so proud of you sweetheart" he whispered in her ear, she pulled back from the hug and placed her hands on his shoulders "next year I'm gonna be stood right here cheering for you when you get your diploma" Eddie smiled at her words as he pulled her back in for another tight hug. Next year was gonna be his year. 86 baby.

"Congratulations class of 85!" Higgins shouted as everyone threw their caps in the air "and now for your listening pleasure, Corroded Coffin!" He clapped as the band stepped out onto the stage. The crowd let out a few confused mumbles as they watched the band appear, they weren't in their usual attire but instead the boys wore black jeans and button up shirts and Kali was still wearing her graduation gown. Eddie began softly playing his guitar while Gareth played a slow, simple rhythm on his drums. The crowd grew more confused as they watched, this was not the Corroded Coffin they had grown to love. Kali smiled to herself as she looked out at the confused faces, she turned her head to see Higgins tapping his leg lightly and swaying to the music, she scoffed as she grabbed the mic "wait a minute, stop the music!" She shouted causing the band to stop "now I know what you're thinking" she addressed the crowd "Higgins asked us to play something soft but you know what" she looked Higgins dead in the eyes "fuck that!" The crowd cheered at her "you know what I really wanna do" she turned her head to look at Billy who was grinning at her from the side of the stage, she watched as the band pulled their shirts off and revealed their T-shirts before pulling her graduation gown off, underneath she was wearing her favourite pair of black cut-off shorts and a white T-shirt that had the words 'Corroded Coffin' plastered on the front in red lettering. Kali looked out to the cheering crowd before pulling the mic to her lips "I wanna rock!" She shouted as the intro to the song kicked in, she threw up her devil horns as she sang the intro.

Turn it down you say
But all I gotta say to you is time and time again I say No!
No! no! no!

She made her way over to Higgins who was looking at the band wide eyed.

Tell me not to play
Well, all I got to say to when you tell me not to play I say no!
No! No! No!

She flipped him off as she turned back around, the crowd erupting in cheers as she started head banging back towards the mic stand.

So, if you ask me why I like the way I play it
There's only one thing I can say to you
I wanna rock!

They finished the second verse and Eddie shredded the solo. As they reached the end of the song Kali threw her head back and lifted her devil horns into the air as she held the last note. There was a lot of cheering and clapping coming from the crowd as the band walked off stage. Kali jumped into Billy's arms as he spun her round, complimenting her and the band on their performance and with that, they were finally done with high school.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now