"Yeah," she answered, trying to seem at ease as she picked up the deodorant. "I figured the smell of... fresh daisies was a good decision, especially if we're doing more walking. After all, baby wipes can only get me so far y'know."

Gremory looked from the bottle, to her, and then once over her body, his nose wrinkling as he did. "Good choice. Maybe throw in two."

Perhaps if I actually got somewhere to shower, and we weren't sleeping on buses all the time, then this wouldn't be a problem, she thought to herself as she picked up a second bottle, making a face at Gremory's retreating figure.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Kimaris found somewhere perfect for you to have a hot shower later. We'll all need a good nights sleep, that's for sure."

Had she said that out loud?

Gremory turned over his shoulder and winked at Bonnie's stunned expression. "It's all over your face, Bonny Bonnie."

With a bashful grin, she knocked into him, careful not to drop anything.

"Where are we doing again?" she asked, nodding when he held up a pack of jelly tots to her before throwing them onto the pile.

"We're taking a walk down to the Falls of Foyer. You know, the waterfall that inspired Robert Burns to write that beautiful poem."

Bonnie had heard of the Falls of Foyers before; one of the girls who she'd lived with sent her a postcard from there after she got adopted. She had stared at the picture of a waterfall every night for a year, hoping to one day visit. But when she stopped hearing from her, it became a sad reminder of the past, and she'd stowed it away in a wooden box, where it still sat in her cupboard with the other memories she wanted to forget but couldn't let go. The last thing she expected to be doing today was fulfilling one of her childhood dreams, especially without the girl and with two daemons instead.

"Right," Bonnie finally answered, clearing her throat and shaking the feeling from herself. It was silly. It was just a waterfall after all. "Are you going to elaborate on that?"

Gremory ducked down another aisle and Bonnie made a noise of annoyance as she struggled to keep up with him, apologising to an old man who she'd almost run over as she rounded the corner. After she had awkwardly squeezed past and caught up to him, she stepped in front of the shelf he was looking at.

"Would you please give me more details to what we're doing, apart from 'going on a walk'. The last I checked you didn't need candles or... what is this—a sharpie—to do that?"

Gremory sighed and quickly looked around the room, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement as he leant into her, his voice lowered.

"We're going to do a summoning. Or well you are going to do a summoning." He slapped a hand to her arm. "How exciting is that!"

Bonnie thought her eyes might just pop out of her head. Gremory took the opportunity to move past her and continue his voyage around the shop, while she tried to force her brain to comprehend things a little quicker.

She had only just been told about summoning and the powers needed to do one. How had it gone from her barely knowing anything to participating in her own in a matter of hours?

She caught sight of her panicked face in the scratched reflection of the mirror in the shop's corner, her dumbfounded expression humbling.

Quickly, she found Gremory again. Careful to not say anything as a woman pushed past, she waited until they were the only two in the area to talk. He hummed as he perused the shelves, oblivious to her concerns.

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