XI - Defender

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Seriously, what is going on with this town?

I'm not surprised the heartbroken cheerleader looks at me in that unimpressed way. If they did before, now me suddenly having lunch with the new Styles guy is surely something that makes me too look back at them for I'm just as confused at them.

"She's pretty." He suddenly talks, having followed my gaze to the cheerleader sitting with the friends that handled her crisis the other day, making her shift her narrowed eyes to wide ones and look away from us with her face blushing. I look at him easily shifting his attention back to his food and adding "Don't you think?"

Now he's asking me a question when neither I want to answer to this one specifically or want to talk to him at all. I was just thinking about preserving this confused silence and finish my doing in this room and leave this guy as soon as possible. Well, now I can't help but also think briefly of Caroline and I wonder if he's testing me on that. Is it that obvious?

Anyway, he would probably think I'm shy or something and, well, I can not say I trust him. I'm not scared of him, I just don't have any interests in interacting with him, whatsoever. I feel like he's always hiding something in his sleeve, always up to some shit and reacts like he enjoys people not knowing what it is.

He looks at me from under his eyebrows and I suddenly realise myself of the stranger expression I send his way.

"It's you she likes, anyway." I shrug my shoulders, looking down at my plate and eating a bit to keep my nonchalantness. Then I look around the room behind him in front of me, glancing back at him as the thought of where are his mates? crosses my mind. I had never seen him alone, they're always together. And we don't have any more classes today, so you would expect them to spend the afternoon together, doing whatever they do.

"Hm, well I thought." Styles nods acknowledging, stealing an instinctive glance at her again, talking softly as if not really having had to, but feeling the need to reply and have the last word. A part of me wonders that maybe I wasn't supposed to admit this to him, she would most probably not appreciate it. But well, she doesn't try to hide it anyway so, maybe I'm even helping her.

I wonder about that, actually. Would he reach for her? She looks like the kind of girl who would pass out at his feet if he did. Let alone how he looks like the kind of boy who would make her think they're dating just becuse they've fucked once, while he's already doing the same to another one. Well, I can't talk much about that too, can I?

"I saw you at the Arcade." He changes the subject, and my mind to thinking he's been coming across me too much often. Although it's pretty easy to find me at the Arcade, since I go there almost everyday. It's my safe place.

"You go to the Arcade?" I question him, not having thought of him being someone to do it. I guess I'm judging too much without knowing.

"Only been there twice. I'm more into the records store." He shakes his head and then talks as if it wasn't a big deal. But which records store? I don't know any in this town, and it's almost like he's talking about a too much specific one. "My uncle is opening one. That's what we were doing on you street, the other day." He explains, seeing my confused expression, and I can't believe what I'm hearing right now.

"You're opening a records store right across the street from my house?" He smirks and nods affirmatively to my wide eyes. A music store right in front of me?! I would be more into one of those if I had it, obviously. And he's telling me now I do? Well, might as well move there, because I'll surely start to go there like I go to the kitchen to see what is there to eat.

This excites me, but I don't want to let it show. If I think about it, Styles is suggesting he will be there a lot too, do I want to experience that? That's the thing holding me back.

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