Prologue: Dinner Table

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The Grimm queen Salem, annoyed my the peace of remnant, has come to bring chaos. She had brought her troops of the unknown across the dark continent towards the shore of Anima.

The ships took land and the men of darkness set foot. Weary after weeks at sea, they disembark. Their number unknown and tales of number of ships being greater than a thousand.

The world was oblivious to the invasion.

Dawn arrived and the troops of Salem had just arrived on the east anima coast.

Not one nation had the troops to face her.

That is if she had the chance.

The legend says there was a force that was outnumbered three to one. At dawn, before the enemy could set their war camps, before they could supply their soldiers.

They say that the sound of the death cries of ten thousand men could be heard up to ten miles away from the shore.

The battle was fierce, but the forces of Salem were pushed back into the shadows.

Ruby: They say that they still have their war camps in the desert near that same coast!! The beach was named marathon after that.

Ruby was eating her meal on the table of jaune's sister's house. The group of team Rwby were on the table listening to her.

Ren:'re saying that we could go search for that army...and ask them for help to stop the army of Salem?

Ruby: Exactly!! I thought you guys would've known by now!

Ren: Ruby, we don't even know if that tale is are you so sure about this?

Ruby: Because, I read some files on the beacon archive that they have found cadavers and rusty swords in that same beach! How could they not exist?!

Nora: do know that the legend happened over 40 years ago right?

Ruby: BUT!! There is no proof that they haven't died out!!

Jaune came in with more plates of food from another room in the cabin.

Jaune: What are you guys talking about?

Ren: Some-

Ruby: Possible allies!! Ever heard of the Greeks?!

Jaune: Greeks? No I haven't heard of them...

Ruby: Oh!! You're lying!!! There's no way!!!

Jaune: Well there is because I have no idea of what you're talking about...

Ruby: Well Whe-

Ren: Just go a mission...

Ruby: H-Huh?! Where?

Ren: Hinoki Forest...on the-

Ruby: Eats coast of anima...

Ruby's eyes dilated.

Ruby: Ohh!!! This is the perfect chance!! We can go look for them!! Or even visit marathon beach!!

Ren: Don't get ahead of yourself Ruby, we still have to complete the mission in order to do that in the first place.

Ruby: Yeah, yeah, I'm sure it'll be just a few beo-

Ren: it's a Geist.

Ruby: ...A what now?

Ren: A know...stone giant?

Ruby: Ooh...hmm...maybe, the plans won't go as I thought...

Janie sighed as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

Jaune: Why can't we just get the easy way out?

The group finished their dinner and began to get ready.

Ruby grabbed some ammo of fire and ice dust, Ren got his blades, Nora got her hammer, and ren got his shield and sword.

The group began walking while Ren led the group in directions.


Down in the middle of the forest, a group of 50 hoplite soldiers rested. One stood on top of a branch that overlooked the trees, the rest were sharpening their swords and spears.

A few of them were sparring displaying extreme dedication of training.

One soldier ran to a group of soldiers in a hurry.

Hoplite soldier: Sir! Reports came in and there is a Stone Titan that has been spotted 1500 meters away from here.

A hoplite with a blue cape was facing an away, they stopped sharping their sword with a stone when the hoplite spoke.

???: 1500 meters?

Hoplite soldier: Yes sir.

Their voice sounded young when compared to the rest of the much older looking soldiers.

The men who only wore leather underwear or battle skirts stopped what they were doing. They walked near them and surrounded them expecting a word.

The blue caped man looked around and chuckled.

???: I can tell you're all eager, TO HELL WITH IT!!

The men cheered and began to rush to get we their stuff.

The blue caped soldier put on their helmet and picked up their shield and spear.

He began to jog as the rest of the men began to move behind him.

???: Which way?

Hoplite soldier: North sir! The search party of 10 are observing from afar!!

???: Good.

The group jogged into the distance. Loud slow thumps  could be heard as they continued running. In the distance, the back of a giant stone titan could be seen.

 In the distance, the back of a giant stone titan could be seen

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A/n: Hell yeah. By the way. No harem

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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