What's wrong, what's right

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Ren Pov:

Recently i found out that there's a lack of power in the Nijisanji Headquarters because of the streams.
That slows down fulgur's charging progress meaning he'll be back to 100 in two months. I decided to tell Uki about it.

Uki: "What do you mean t-two months"

"what you heard"

Uki: "can't it be faster?"

"i'm afraid not. no-one can afford to quit their streaming schedule"

as i said that he broke down in tears again....
i feel awful for him....
i decided to give him some time alone.....
when i returned i found him sound asleep in front of the restoration chamber so i went and brought him a pillow and a blanket to make sure he rests as normally as possible..
It must be so tough on him...
i closed the door of the spaceship to avoid cold air from entering as it was getting dark.

The sadness from within (psyborg) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now