the rest of my time

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Fu-chan pov
13 days left

I spent all day today hanging out with uki. he has been worried about me since yesterday when i told him about my cynets and he won't let me go anywhere.
well not that i mind, but it's kinda awkward at times

Uki: "where are you going fufu-chan?"


Uki: "alright!"

*goes to the bathroom*

Uki: *follows him*

kind of like this one. it was so awkward.

12 days left

I took Uki out on a date.
We went shopping then for dinner.
he looked adorable.
and then we saw Dear voxxy with his date, who Surprise Surprise is shoto.
needless to say neither i nor Uki were surprised.
we did have a good laugh on the roller scating ring as we saw voxxy struggle to balance himself.

"Pfft-" *tea kettle laugh*


Uki: "Vox! you don't walk,you glide push the rollerblades sideways"


Shoto: "Vox,Vox like that" *shows him*

Vox: "i still don't understand"

Yeahhh it was fun.

11 days lefr

I was collabing with sonny today. I went rather peacefully, he was showing me the ropes of a new game he found. until alban joined Vc

(Based on an animatic i saw)

Alban: "Hey Fu-chan what do you call a homeless android that fights crime?"

"oh god"

Alban: "A hobo cop!"

Sonny: "Alban-"

Alban: " i told sonny i wanted to become a cyborg and he told me that it'd cost an arm an a leg"


Sonny: " albannn" *laughing internally*


Alban: "shit gotta gooo" *disconnects*

10 days left

Today i had an endurance stream. it was fun and all but i couldn't hang out with uki at all. At some point Aia joined Vc

Aia: *connects*

"hi Aia"

Aia: "boomer" *disconnects*

*gasps* How dare. *proceeds to laugh*

other than that nothing really eventful happened

9 days left

Yugo decided it would be fun to prank call us yet again. this time with the help of others. I hears uki on the other end.

Uki: "fufu-chann"

"uki! hello! how are you ? "

Uki: "you're a little bitch"

"how dare."

Uki: "what did you say?"

"how dare"

Uki: "okay stay salty ig"

"it's yugo's prank isn't it"

Yugo: "hey uki's in on it too!"

Uki: *gasp* "How...dare..."


I had a great laugh
after that i went on a walk with mille because i think that's what brothers do? and then returned to annoy vox.

8 days left

I spent the entire day with uki again. we streamed and then we went out for ice-cream with sonny and alban.
Needless to say sonny prevented alban from stealing about 3000 times

Alban: "onii!"

Sonny: "i'm sorry albannn but i can't let you stealll"

"Albanyan give sonny a break"

Uki: "alban i can take sonny . make sure you won't get caught"

"Uki. Uki baby, we're in PUBLIC"

Uki: "hehe"

7 days left

Nothing seriously groundbreaking happened. just a usual chaotic day at nijisanji En Hq. Oh and suha visited us.

Suha: "Ukiii" *hugs uki*

Uki: "hehe hi suha!"

Suha: "you want play minecraft?"

Uki: "yeah sure"

So yeah. that happened.
i didn't bother them. I know how much the ukidex means to uki so-

The sadness from within (psyborg) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now