27 days left

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Fu-chan Pov:

I have 27 days left....... i was going to go hang out with uki, but he's collabing with suha at the moment, i wouldn't want to disturb them
I'll go mess around with Dear Voxxy for the time being i guess. it's been a while.....


Vox: "yes fulgur?"

"as your brother i came to annoy you"

Vox: "wow i would have never guessed"

We joked around for a while and we had fun. then Millie decided she wanted to join in on our conversation

Millie: "Breasts"

Vox: "thighs"


Vox: "sir this is a KFC"

"Bahahahahahaha" *tea kettle laugh* "good one"

pretty sure millie was recording my laugh but it's fine

Vox: "i have a stream in 20' i need to prepare. bye bye"

Millie: "speaking of, i do have a collab with Enna"


After that i went to see Yugo.


Yugo: "Yo! Fu-chan! What's up?"

"Want to hang out a little bit? i have no stream today so i'm kinda bored"

Yugo: "yeah! i just finished mine anyways soo"


So i spent some more time hanging out with yugo .
After that it was getting late so i said goodnight to uki went to my room and called it a day.

Uki Pov:

I finished the collab with suha and went to find Fufu-chan. he was playing valorant with yugo. i decided not to disturb them and went to hang out with sonny and alban. it was fun.
After that Fufu-chan told me goodnight and in responce i gave him a goodnight kiss. Then he went and fell asleep. I won't disturb him tonight with psyborg pictures. even thought they're great.
But this does give me an opportunity to check on what Fufu-chan was doing in Ren's spaceship.

*what he saw*

Fu-Chan: "Ren! how advanced is the technology in you spaceship?"

Ren: "much more than humans"

Fu-chan: "can i use it?"

Ren: "yeah,yeah of course!"

I guess Fufu-chan was telling me the truth then. he was doing cynet maintainence.

The sadness from within (psyborg) Book 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя