Brymir experimented with life forms and gave the lords of the elements the freedom to also produce their own peoples.

Within the evolving world space, variations in temperature led to gas clouds. These crystallized rapidly into galaxies, black holes, and other spectacular phenomena to garnish and enrich the young cosmos. Brymir and his rejoiced Methas noticed that, around two of the calibration points, loose e-onn clouds emerged, telling them that a new phase was dawning and their macrocosm had gained viability.

On Ardor's side, the second sign appeared in the same way as the first. Again the sand crust tore and this time it happened so subtly that it was almost impossible to perceive. Coincidentally Fantaell noticed, that sand glided inwards between a recently formed little crack on the ground. He was keeping watch over the pit where Ardor was staying. The prospective harbor master of Portus Konga inspected curiously the strange rupture because it turned out to be too small to be an eruption hole. To his great joy, he saw a fine, purple-colored breakable little stalk reaching out. Quickly he covered the fragile plant, marked the place, and hurried to Ramael to proclaim that life in the universe was getting underway. A germ was about to flourish on the vines of the root system Acheron. When the arch-methas were gathering at the place indicated by him, the stem was already shooting and minuscule bulges appeared in five places, five possible germ buds. They beheld five possible buds that let Ramael solemnly declare:

'A new phase has begun because our friends, in the interior of Urantium, have booted up the circle of life. Now it is our responsibility and task to protect this fresh genesis.'

'There must be light, oxygen, warmth, and protection.' said Pantael nervously after which they sent Ramael, for the second time, into the black hole to ask for Ardor's advice.

Pantael, the third harbor master of Portus Hawala accompanied Ramael because this one remembered the sucking darkness and did not want to descend alone into the obscure quarry anymore. When the two stood at the bottom they seemed to get caught up by the black nothing that surrounded them. There in the deep, Pantael fully understood Ramael's previous restraint and encouraged him, after which they shouted into the blackness:

'Lord Ardor! Please overcome yourself, or whatever that it is that blocks you, and come back up with us, for we need light, oxygen, warmth, and protection to let the germ bud thrive!' Again they had to wait and see if an answer would come. The only and first thing they heard as an answer was the sound of mysterious ticking. Pantael used a number of unimportant e-onns to make light, and the soft glow they emanated helped them to be no longer a couple of stumbling blind wretches in the pit of oblivion. They went in the direction of the sound as they meanwhile occasionally shouted the name of the Mantlelord. Unexpectedly, they stood at the edge of another, much darker depth where the ticking sounded much louder. They called his name again and this time Ardor's voice sounded from the abyss:

'Come closer! Show yourself. Is it you Ramael?'

'It is me and Pantael accompanies me. We need you lord because the germ wants to bud and we have no atmosphere. The fruit lies exposed on the ground under the firmament! We do not know what to do, give us your advice!' They approached and the gleaming coming out of Pantael's thinking center showed them where the repetitive sound came from.

Centrally on the bottom of the new pit, stood a predominant, gigantic, dark blue cube absorbing the sparse light. Ardor chopped a staircase out of the hexahedron with a kind of hammer and chisel. A pile of dusty stone grit was piled up on the opposite side of the improvised staircase and formed, as it were, a steep slope that, with a little goodwill, could serve as a second access ramp. The staircase was nearly finished. Ramael saw that forty stair steps were needed to complete the full height and that Ardor was finishing the last five of them. Outraged and frustrated he yelled suddenly:

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