Chapter 4

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Harry pov I am slightly shaken awake by 2 small hands. I open my eyes and look straight into Louis' bright blue eyes. They are so beautiful. Good morning sleepyhead! Louis yells so loudly that I'm sucked out of my mind back into reality. Good morning. I say tired back. Come on we have to go to school, and he pulls me out of bed. Yes I'm coming! I call. No, you come with me now! Louis calls teasingly to me. Okay then. And I get out of bed. I walk downstairs with Louis and I stand with my mouth full of teeth looking at the crowded table. Did you do that? Louis pov Did you do that? Harry asks. Of course who else? The holy spirit or something. I say teasingly. Haha, yes of course you did. Harry says. I didn't know you could do that? Harry says a little surprised. Sure I can. I say. Are you underestimating me? I ask teasingly. No no. Harry says. Come on, let's eat because we have to go to school, I say. Just to be clear Louis does NOT live with Harry but I forgot they were staying over😂Sorry😂😂 Harry pov We walk into the school gate and we sit down in our regular spot. We see Zayn and the rest sitting there and we walk over. We are standing in front of their table where they are sitting but they turn their heads to the other side. What is it? What have we done? Louis asks. We'd better ask you! Zayn yells angrily. Just look on twitter and you will soon find out. Niall says frustrated. Louis takes out his phone and opens twitter. He is watching a movie. When we've both watched the video Liam starts screaming: ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! BAD BAGS!! I HATE YOU- Calm down Liam. says Zayn. We are angry too but there is no point in shouting like that. GO NOW!! WE DON'T NEED YOU HERE ANYMORE!! shouts Liam. Louis pov I pull Harry on his wrist and we walk to our usual spot. Damn!! I call. Who the hell made that video?! I yelled. I don't know but it seems super realistic. But who the hell makes a movie about 2 people talking so negatively about their friends?! I do not get it either. Harry says absently. If I ever get my hands on that person he will never do it again!! I call. Calm down Louis it's no use being so angry we can't help it anyway.

This is such a short chapter but I wanted to post but yeah. I hope you like this chapter! And sorry for the drama but I felt like drama. 😂😂 Commenting and voting is always allowed! I will continue writing for you as soon as possible! Doodles! Xx

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