Chapter 3

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Harry pov

It's Saturday, are we going to do something, I ask Louis, who has just finished breakfast. Euhmm I don't know, do you know something, otherwise we'll just stay at home, says Louis. Uhmm we can go to a restaurant? I ask Louis hopefully. Okay! This evening? Louis asks. Yes, I say happily. We're in the restaurant, I order a salad and Louis doesn't know it yet. When we get back home we immediately go to sleep because it is already late. The next morning I wake up and see that Louis is still sleeping so I let him sleep too because it's Sunday. I'll go downstairs and start putting butter in a pan, I'm going to make pancakes for Louis, I'm sure he'll like that. Suddenly the doorbell rings so I walk to the door and see that my mother is at the door. What are you doing here? I ask her as I remain frozen in front of the door. I'm coming to visit you! My mother shouts happily. Can I come in? she asks. No rather not. I say and I close the door again. She never took care of me and now she comes to visit me. I hate her so much!! And at that moment I hear Louis walking down the stairs. Who was that calling? Louis asks. My mom but she did too much to me so I slammed the door. But I'll explain later what she's done. But actually you're too early, I have a surprise but I'm not ready yet so you have to go back upstairs if you want to know my surprise, I say mysteriously. Okay then, says Louis, a little curious I think. I continue with the pancakes and then I boil 2 eggs and grab some fruit and put it on the plateau. I am
ready so I go upstairs. I see that Louis has fallen asleep again so I gently shake him awake. He's so cute when he sleeps. He wakes up quietly and I let him get used to the sunlight. Good morning without worries! I yell as loud as I can.

Louis pov

I hear Harry shout something like that but I can't understand it. I have something for you. Harry says. What then? I ask curiously. A breakfast in bed! Harry yells as loud as he can. Hmm nice, thanks Harry. I say. That is very welcome for you! Wow wait did he really say that?! Shall we do something today? I ask Harry as I walk downstairs. No, I do not think so. He says. Then maybe we can watch a movie? I ask Harry hopefully. Yes, I'll get the snacks in the kitchen. Harry says as he has already disappeared into the kitchen. Which movie shall we watch? I ask him. A romantic one? He asks. Yahor is good. I say. We lie on the couch together and I lie very close to Harry. The movie is over, shall we order pizza? Harry asks. Yes that's OK. The pizza is finished and it's already late maybe we should go to sleep now? I ask. Yes, maybe. he replies. We go to the bedroom and we fall asleep almost immediately.

Sorry you had to wait SO LONG for this part but I was on vacation so I didn't have much time to write. But I will try to upload more often. You can always vote and comment! I will write for you as soon as possible! Doodles! Xx

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