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                                                           Dark Mages

When I awoke I stormed towards Edwin's room again and didn't even knock before entering. " Vara, what-" His words cut short when he saw my appearance. I now stood almost past his height level. I glared at him, my eyes no doubt glowing a harsh dark green. "Vara, what happened to you?!" He asks. I continue to glare at him as I sit down. " I don't know? You tell me." I said pulling out the sword hilt and slamming it on his desk. His eyes went wide at the sight of it as a wave of realization came over his face. " You must have seen the enchanted initials carved into it. When touched by the relative of the owner it shows the last moment the owner had it." He said his eyes staring down the hilt. I nodded, still staring daggers at him. "Yeah so apparently you know my father and didn't think to tell me anything!" I shouted, gritting my teeth in frustration.

" I was going to tell you as soon as you graduated from Dryas Academy but it seems like I'm too late for that." He replied, shaking his head sadly. I suddenly felt a wave of guilt and sorrow wash away my burning anger. I reached over and held his hands which were surprisingly calloused. " I'm sorry for the way I reacted, it was childish and irrational. I'm sorry but why wait for me to graduate instead of telling me as soon as we met. You showed me my mother's stuff, why did you withhold information about my father?" My many questions flew out before I could stop myself. He got up from the table and opened another compartment in thin air. He pulled out three blank sheets which I assumed were more sword techniques like the first one. " He gave me specific instructions not to give you or tell you anything until you've graduated." He shook his head and I caught a glimpse of wistfulness flickering in his stark blue eyes then as quickly as it happened it disappeared. I took the three sheets of parchment and apologized again for my rash behavior and walked slowly back to my room.

I quickly infused the paper with my aura and as I thought, it slowly revealed more advanced sword techniques than the previous page did. As I looked at the intricate sword strokes and stances when suddenly I got an idea. I grabbed everything my father gave me and quickly ran as fast as my legs could carry me towards the basement to practice my new techniques.

With my increased speed and power my sword strokes seemed more powerful than anything I have ever could have imagined. I memorized each and every sword technique throughout the night and by morning all my senses were even sharper than before. Jonah's condition seemed to drag on for about 3 more weeks and we were all on edge because of it. The twins spent the majority of their time together in their room only coming out to eat and train. I spent the majority of my time in the training room continuing my essence control. I was getting the hang of it with the help of my power boost from a while ago.

I learned a few new tricks. I can shift from my human form to what I'm calling my Druid form just by condensing my aura into my core and skills expelling it when needed. With this mastered I want to learn more about this Ogian Diamond and what it has to do with me and my friends.

        I went down to the manors library and started reading anything that related to the war 1200 years ago. I discovered that the earshas who had given us power were doing so to protect the diamond from evil hands. Despite their efforts the crystal was stolen and experimented on and somehow infused with darkness and completely expelling the light creating a sickness throughout all of Azaria.

I wrote down as much information as I could from what I read and put it in a secret bag which I could hide somewhere safe so that way I can continue my investigation into my supposed destiny and finally learn the truth about my parents. 

    The next day as I exercised I noticed that my body is a lot lighter than it was before I asked Edwin about it but he didn't have any answers. 'Maybe this is a result of my training.'  I thought, continuing my training regiment. Weeks passed and Jonah's situation still hadn't changed and we're all getting very concerned. Suddenly we were visited by strange people in pitch black robes and weird ominous tattoos. " What do they want?" I asked when Edwin had momentarily closed the door. He looked at me grimly and said the most horrible thing: " They  all themselves Dark Mages." He paused for a moment and continued although there was suddenly something different about him, there was an anger in his eyes that I've never seen before.His eyes blue were glowing slightly " They want to take Jonah with them."


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A Crystal Steeped In Darkness حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن